new veins are frequently cut, no analyfis
is made of their produce; it is much
to be wifhed fufficient encouragement was
given in this fcience, to render it ■ worth the
attention of a perfon of abilities to analyze
mineral fubftances, in order to convey mi-
neralogical information to that part of the
community that is fo much interefted in
them. F or fuch a purpofe Caftleton feems to
be the bell lituation, where fuch a variety of
ftrata, mines, and mineral productions occur
as perhaps no lituation in this kingdom can
boaft. The various mines and veins of
ore are of the firft confequence, while the
mountains around prefent a variety of ftrata
worthy the attention of the geologift.
Freyberg and Schemnitz, the prefent
theatres of mineralogical knowledge had
beginnings; is it not to be regretted that
no inftitution for fuch information is
eftablilhed in this kingdom, the riches of
whofe mines haveTo long.been celebrated ?
Students attend the mineralogical ledures
at Freyberg and Schemnitz from all'parts of
the world, and they are as much famed for
the ftudy of mineralogy, as Rome was for
the fine arts.
Having frequently vifited moft of the
mines in this kingdom, I have been
repeatedly folicited to publilh the obfer-
vations I have made, with a view to
guide the traveller to the moft interefting
points, and to defcribe thofe objeds to
the mineralogift as they are prefented by
nature ; as an obferver addided to no
theory, I leave the fcientific to form opin-
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