Pofleffion. When ftowces or wooden frames are placed on
a vein, it is faid to be in pofleffion.
Pricker. A thin piece o f iroh ufedto make a hole for the
fuzze to fire a blafl. •
Primgap. A variable diftance, between two pofleffions.
Poling A plank or piece of wood, to prevent earth or flone
from falling.
Rake. A perpendicular vein.
Ratchell. Loofe Hones.
Rider. A rocky fubftance that divides the vein.
Rifing. A man working above his head in the roof, is faid to
be rifing.
Roof. The part above the miners head.
Rubble. Same as ratchell.
Run. When the earth falls, and fills up fhafts or works, it i|
faid to run.
Scaffold. In a miner a 'platform, made where fome miners
work above the heads of others.
Serin, A fmall vein.
Shot. Blafting.
Sled. A fledge to draw ore without wheels.
Scraper. A fmall iron ufed to ferape the ore, a kind of
Shakes. Fiffures in the earth.
Shift. T h e time a miner works.
Shaft. A perpendicular hole cut to get up the ore.
Sinking. Working deeper.
Smelting. Reducing the ore to metal.
Smitham. Small lead ore, duft.
Smut. Dccompofed dark earthy Ihiftus. ’
Sole. The bottom of the mine..
Sole Tree. A piece of wood belonging to ftowces, to draw
ore up, from the mine.
Sough. A n adit or level.
Spindle. A part of the drawing ftowces.
Stickings. Narrow veins o f ore.
Stimmer. A piece of iron ufed to ram the powder with,
when a blaft is intended.
Steyiples. Wood placed to go up and down the mine in-
ftead of fteps.
Strings. Small veins o f ore.
Stope. A piece o f mineral ground to be worked. •
Stopeing. Cutting mineral ground with a pick.
Stowces. Drawing ftowce, a fmall windlafs.
Stowces. Pieces o f wood o f particular forms and conftruc-
tions placed together, by which the pofleffion o f
mines is marked-------- a pair o f ftowces poffefs a
mear o f ground.
Sump. A {haft or perpendicular hole under ground.
Swallows. .Caverns or openings'where the water lofes itfelf.
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