Some other Obfervations in Wales.
R eturning by Conway, i mfpeaed
the mines in that neighbourhood, but found
nothing worthy of notice. Their matrix is
chiefly chert, a fpecies of black hornftone j
and there is a black flinty ftone with white
The vale of Conway is extremely pi&ii-
refque, and full of rich fcenery, the rock
and waterfalls conducing greatly, to the
Near Llanruft are fome large -veins of
quartz, which are worked for the porcelain
lain mill, near Bangor; and I fhould have
mentioned, that near Conway are fome
mafies of chert, in a black filiceous mountain,
which are found nearly as well adapted
for mill ftones as the French burr: and a
lady obtained the premium of ioo guineas,
from the focicty of Arts, for the
The mountains near Llanruft are of granites,
porphyry, and fhiftus, with a great
deal of black chert, in which are veins
of lead ore, quartz, &;c. but there are no
lead mines of any confequence.
I re-viftted Llandidno, and went down
the mine. There are veins of copper ore>
which fometimes prefent that fubftance, and
at others mafies of limeftone. Here is a
vaft lum, filled with loofe earthy matter,
diflocating the ftrata.