Belland. Dufty lead ore.
Bit. A piece of fteel placed op the end of the borer.
Bind. A name giyen by miners to any indurated argilla?
ceous fubftance.
Binghole. A hole through which the pre is thrown.
Bingplace. Where is laid the ore ready for fmelting and
Blaft. When a hole is made with a borer of fufficient depth,
it is filled with gunpowder to force off the rock,
and the procefs is called blafting.
Borer. A round piece of iron three quarters o f an inch in
diameter, and two feet long, fteeled at one end
with arfhortflat edge. ' , -
Bowfe. Lead ore, as cut from the vein.
Bucker. A piece o f iron about fix pound weight, with a
wooden handle, ufed for breaking the bowfe.
Buddie. A frame made of wood and filled with water.
Budling. WaJhing inferior lead ore, to free it from extra-*
neous matter.
Bunding. Wood placed to throw the refufed cuttings on,
or deads.
* C
Catdirt. A fubftance fometimes called toadftone, being
fometimes a rariolite, at others a kind pf lime-
Cart. A machine ufed to draw' ore, &c. out o f the mine.
Chair. Ufed in drawing up ore or coal.
Cleanfer. A wire ufed after boring, to dear the hole.
Clevis. A n iron at the end pf the engine rope, on which
the bucket is hung.
Coefteads. A fmall building.
Cope. T o agree to get ore, at a fixed fixm per dilh, or mea,
- . fure. ,
Coper. ' One who agrees to take or make a bargain vto get
Corf. A kind o f fledge ufed to carry ore from the miners at
work, to the drawing lhaft foot.
Crofs veins. Veins that crofs each other.
Crofs Cuts. A re driven diametrically acrofs the range o f
the vein.
Croffes and Holes. When a perfon difcovers a vein, and
, has no means to poflefs it for want o f ftowces, he
marks the ground with croffes and holes, by which
means hepoffeffes it until,he can procure ftowces.
Deads. Cuttings o f ftone of no ufe.
Dial. A compafs.
Dialing. The taking the different bearings of the various
ways, gates, &c. in a mine, in order to fink a fhaft
from the furface on any particular fpot with ex-
- aftnefs.