Difh, A mfiafure containing 15 pints Winchefter meafure.
Due, The fame as lot.
Door. A crofs cut for a door is fometimes ufed to open
and fhut, to increafe the circulation o f air.
Drift. The place the miner excavates to make a road:
Driving. Cutting and blading horizontally.
Ditch. A drain made at the furfaee to carry-water off.
Fang. A cafe made of wood, &c. to convey wind into the
Faulted. Refufe lead ore, to be dreffed finer. -
Fault. A fidure which breaks the ftratum.
Feigh. T he refufe vralhed from the lead ore.
Flat. Flat work, when a vein, &c. is horizontal.
Forks. Pieces of wood, ufed to keep the fide up in foft
Foundermere. The firft 32 yards of ground worked.
Founderlhaft. The firll Ihaft that is funk.
Forefield. The face,, or vein worked,
Freeing. Entering a mine or vein in the bar-mafters book.
Fuzze. Straws, or hollow briars, reeds, &c.' filled with
powder. ,
Fuzze-borer. A n iron made red hot to bore a fuzze to hold
G .
Gallery, A drift or level.
Gate. Tire fame.
Gears. Ufed to the cart, a kind o f harnefs for the me*
that draw ore out.
Grove. ' A mine.
Gingonin. Walling up a fiiaft infiead o f timbering, to keep
the loofe earth from falling.
Hade. The underlaying or inclination of the vein.
Hadings. When fome parts o f the vein incline, and others
are perpendicular.
Hangbench. Part o f the ftowces.
Hangingfide. The fide a vein hangs to.
Horfehead. A large opening made o f wood,- to turn and.
put on to a fang or trunk, to convey wind from
Jig Pin. A pin ufed to flop the machine in drawing
when neceflary.