cafe, by clay, bind, or toadjlone, they are ob-
ferved (upon being again difcovered below)
not to be perpendicular, but to be thrown
to one fide, according to the hade of the
vein, and the diftance of feparation, and are
thence faid to leap. From this obfervation
it does not. appear advifeable to fink a fhaft
or fump perpendicular from where the vein
was cut off, in order to find it again, but to
make a crofs cut for fome fathoms that way
which forms an obtufe angle with the vein ;
by that mean you will be certain on. finking,
after cutting acrofs a proper diftance,
to find the vein again. Sometimes one
part of a vein will hade, and another part
ftand perpendicular, as in Mandel mine,
near Sheldon. The rakes differ much in
fize, in the fame vein, and are fubjebt to
The principal veins near Wirkfworth
are called Yolk cliff rake, Hollyhole vein,
Rancor Tor, Orchard, Ratchwood, Pen’s
rake, Grey Mare, Samuel rake, and many
others; fome range north and fouth, and
others eaft and weft ; and fometimes feveral
veins unite, and form a very large one:
befides which there are many other veins
in the neighbourhood of Matlock, Bonfal,
Winfter, Elton, Youlgrave, and other
Near Caftleton, the moft northerly vein
of lead ore in the county is Oden, a large
work. A number of veins of lefs note, are
in a mountain called the Long Cliff (and a
ftrong pipe vein) which extends to the Red
Seats and Mr. Eyre’s Park, Dirtlow and
Pindar; and fouth is Mofs rake, Hell rake,
Shuttle rake, Hucklow and Tideflow rake ;
Seedlow rake; at Wardlow is Longfon
edge vein, and Bright fide at Calver.
The' pipe veins, or flat works, as at P.
form another variety. They do not follow
p 1 any