forming an angle of 25 degrees. The face
of thefe rocks is full of hollows, and very-
uneven, by parts projecting, which caufes
it when viewed at a diftance to have an
undulating appearance.
It will obvioufly (Grike the reader, that if
a prominent part is marked by (Gratification,
and a part annexed recedes twelve feet, it
will appear when viewed in front at a
diftance, that the (Gratification of the projecting
part, is two feet higher than the
part which recedes. It in reality is fo, therefore
it is the uneven form of the mountain,
that gives it the undulating character, which
it does not poffefs.
There is one place exaCtly oppofite Mat-
lock bridge, that feems to have more of the
undulating form ; and though I convinced
my friends of the error of their opinion
in the mountain called the High Tor, yet
they feemed confident I fhould agree with
them in this inftance, which I (hall briefly
The front of a bare rock prefents itfelf
of no confiderable fize ; its form is broad
at the bottom, narrowing to the fummit:
and the marks of (Gratification, rifing from
each fide, meet in the centre, forming a
(hort undulating appearance. This feemed
to me contrary to any formation of
limeftone I had yet feen, and made me
determine to examine it more minutely.
On eroding the river I was clofe to the
rock, and found a fiffure or vein fituated
exactly in the centre, by which the ftratum
was broke and lifted up in the middle;
confequently appearing as if thrown down
on each fide, which, fuftkiently accounts
for the appearance.
As every circumftance attending the fitua^
tion of objeCts is interefting to natural
hiftory, it may not be improper to give.
a fhort