mines, the riches of which recompenced
their labour; and the prefent mineral laws,
cuftoms, and technical phrafes are derived
from them. Perhaps no country yet known
produces fo many veins as the mining
trad of Derbyfhire ; and the number of
mines that have been funk in various parts
is incredible. Being a native of the county,
and having refided feveral years in the
moft interefting part, I was applied to by
a Spanifh gentleman to make furveys of
the principal mines, to colled their various
produdions, and more particularly,
fpecimens from each ftratum, defcribing
their thicknefs, fituation, and polition ; in
order to fhew an exad reprefentation of
the mines, for the cabinet of his moft
Catholic Majefty at Madrid. To afcertain
a corred ftatement of the geology
and mines of Derbyfhire, is a work worthy
of the patronage of a Prince who enjoys
fo great a lhare of the precious metals
produced in South America : it may prove
an example that may merit the attention
of other potentates ; for colledions thus
formed, difplaying the ftrata and their pro-
duds, may lead to a more minute inveftiga-
tion, where fuch ftrata may occur ; the
beft means of forming opinions being
by comparifon, if fimilar mountains and
ftrata are met with, it would be very
natural to exped fimilar fubftances;
thefe circumftances have unfortunately
hitherto attraded little notice. The ancient
method of dfefling and fmeltinp-
lead ore is here.ftill continued, and though
a 3 new