lead, and cobalt found in the Ochil Mills,•
near the bridge of Allan, with the copper
found at Curry, in Lothian; and Colvend,
in Galloway. The irons he confiders as
of two kinds, iron ore and iron ftone : of
the latter, he defcribes a ftratum as of a red-
dilh brown colour, and it is alfo found in
nodules in the argillaceous ftrata, which
accompany coal.
O f the prevailing Strata, and o f the principal
and mojl interefing phenomena upon
and voithin the furface o f our Globe.
T h is third part occupies the Whole of
the fecond volume, and is difcufled in a
very prolix and declamatory manner.
The firft topic is a general view of the
prevailing rocks and ftrata in Great Britain.
He firft mentions the regularly ftratified
mountain >rock, as whin and argillite,
among the latter, the fine blue flate of
Eifdale and Ballachylifh, in the iflands of
Scotland, that of Stobo in Tweed-dale, and
o the