• The chief minerals I obferved here are
as follows:
A kind of lead ore refembling clay.
Sandy lead ore*
Yellow copper ore.
Black ditto.
Iridefcent ditto.
Varieties of mundic.
Copper formed by cementation.
Native vitriol.
Lead ore fulphuric.
Steel grained galena.
A fhiftus ferpentine, with afbeftus.
Green femi-tranfparent afbeftus.
A quartzy fhiftus, full of veins of white
Many varieties of chert, with veins of
copper in them, forming a part of the riders
in the mine.
Allum is alfo prepared here, from fhiftus
kid on the roafting copper ore, where it
abforbs the vitriolic acid. The pans ufed
are of lead.