sidering the Nuthatch as a bird of Scotland has been questioned,
and no recent" capture has been recorded that I
am aware of. Müller as a bird of Denmark, and
M. Nilsson says it is not uncommon in some parts of Sweden.
In the'centre, and in the^south of Europe, it is common
and resident, particularly in Prance, Provence, and- Italy.
The beak is about as long as thehead, thick, and strong,
rather depressed, arid wider than high at the b a se ; the ridge
of thé upper mandible rounded, the -colour bluish black ; the
base dffjfe under mandible pale brownish white ; iride'sihazbh;!
fróm the base of the beakl through the eye, to the shoulder,
a black streak; top of the head, neck,-back, wing^eoverts,
tertials, upper tail-coverts, and the.iwri-middle tail-feathersy
uniform light slate grey,.the primary qriill-feathe'rsr darker;
all the tail-feathers, exc'ëpt the two middlebnesy blkck-at th#
base, grey at the end, with a patch -of'white between ‘ these
two colours on the three outside feathers at each side; the
chin white;. throat, breast, and belly,’ buff colour;: flankst/
and under tail-coverts, chestnut, the latter tipped -with liite^;
legs, toes, and daws, light broWxi; tlie hind toe' audit claw
longer, and muchiSttöngöf than the;middle-toe." '
The whole length of-the male described rather ldss‘. than
six inches.- From* the carpal .'joint to the end of the wing
three inches and orie'quarter; the: fitst feathêr^vêr^ shfAtf'thd
second rather longer than the. seventh, but shorter *than-fher
sixth; the third, fourth, and fifth nearly equal in lengthy b u t
the fifth rather the longest in the wing.
The vignette- • represents the small breastbone of tHe
Creeper, with the foot arid brekst-bone of the Nuthatch.
THE- CÛM M Q N yG Iioe O O .
Vuculus caîwrtâ, ^Common isiicmi,
■ ij ,, .. ’ ,, Mön®.-' Ornith. Diet.
B ewick,, Brit,, B^rds,,$oB L p. 129.
ï Lem. ISjit. An. , .
S^lby,' Brit. Ornith. vol. i.' é s’tP “
|rit>, Yert. p,*-L54. -
GeytPj Birds-.of ^Europe. pt. xix. -
Temm. Mam. <f|jrnitF,’vdfd. p. 381.
N 2
Coucou gns