middle tipped with dull white, the three outside feathers with
broad ends of pure white; the chin jmd ü<Rs *of the neck
white ; the front and sides of the neck below ash grey 5 from
shoulder to shoulder, . across "ïhe breast, 4 s r a band of white,
margined above and below with a dark line; breast apsh fawn
Colour, passing to 'chestnut ;;-lbeïïy black ; venfc-and under tail-
coverts white,-tinged with buff-; under wing-coverts and-axillary^
plume greyish white ; legs andtoes greenish-yellow ; the'claws
The whole length nine inches and a-half. From the carpal
joint to the end of the wing, six; inches’-:' the .wing; in form
pointed the first quill-feather the ‘longest; the avërage
weight.about four ounces: I have seen- example^-that-
weighed- six ounces'aid a -half. ' •
I have' occasionally seen specimens Nearly: in May that had
not obtained their summer dress; -the breastsis"tbeimwhite,
but slightly .tinged withbuff.'
Mr. Heysham’s description o f a young!€epaalè, -three weeks
or a month old, killed on Robinson July :25th 1835, is ?a&>
follows :—“ Forehead, throat, and sides sCf-tbe- face, cream-
yellow, covered with small spots and fine- streaks, of greyish
brown. Crown of the head”’occiput, and-also thePfeathers-en
the back, dark brown, all more- 'or less broadly §|ged_with
buff orange. Scapulars and- wing-coye^goli^: green, deeply
edged-with reddish white; tail the same, finely‘^margined
with white, the eenfe feathprs broadly tipped with fëddiih
white, and the three lateral ones on each "side ending in a
large irregular whitish spot. Sides of the neck, flanks, and a
broad band above each eye, "buff orange, the former finely
streaked with greyish brown. Breast cinereous, slightly
tinged with reddish white, and marked on each side with
large spots of olive green. Belly white, finely spotted here
and> there with greyish brown. Bill black. Irides dark
brown. Legs pale olive green; soles bright yellow.
Chat zdrius hiaticula, Ringed Plover, Penn. Brit. Zool. vol. ii. p. 105.
,, Mont. Ornith. Diet.
,, Dotterel, Bewick, Brit. Bifdss-vol. i. p. 380.
,, Plovep., F Lem. Brit.'An. p. 113.'
„ ,, Selby, Brit.-Ornith. vol. ii. p. 240.
,, ,, Jenyns, Brit. Vert. p. 17Ö.
Ring Dottrell, .-Qôuld, Birds of JShlope^pt.. y i,.
Grand Pluvier à collier, Temm. Man. d’Ornith, vol. ii.
p. 539.
T h is prettily marked Plover is found throughout the year
on most of the scores of the British Islands, but more particularly
frequents bays and fiats along the coast where the