RASORES. C0;IUMB1DÆ. Th^i^taek Doveuis,. however, perfectly distinct from the
Columba oenas, Stock Dove, Fènn., Brit.. Zoo}. vof.
,, „ ,, Selby,'Brit.’Ornith. volr"î7p.,408.
'" it : ' ' » y ~ f ,, JENYN9,,Brit. Vert, p< 161.
■' - ,, - >>. i , jGould, Birds of Europe, pt. v. ,, ,, Colombe columbinTemm. Man. d’Qmith. vol; ii. p. 445.
Montagu appears to have considered tire Rock Dove and
the Stock Dove but as one species, applying the trivial iianj,e
anas to the Rock Dove, which is truly described, and giving
no description of the Stock Dove. Bewick has figured the
Rock Dove under,, the specific name of anas,- and remarks
that the Stock Dove, Rock Pigeon, and Wood- Pigeon;' with
some small differences; may be included under the-- same denomination.
Dr. Fleming has also called his Rock Dove
C. anas, considering them hut one' -species, an d I have,
therefore, omitted the usual references to these works among
the synonymes altogether.
Rock Dove:,* as-, i%|-localities', its habits? '.voice,- and plumage,
w-iIl/snffîciently>deîmQnstrate. Lfe was .called a n a s * on account
of thomnous.- claret'eAnr >of the», plumagé of the neck ; and
Stock Dóf,®-, mot heoaiiifrei. iinwas ’»considered to be the
origin/of « dom^ltlq«shoc|5, but because'it „builds in the
sfocks^of. trees, pà's^felarlÿ&'such. agohave been, headed .down,
and hale, become .'in^’çohseqùdncit'rugged tand jbjishy at the
^top. Infthe^dpenlcoun tries''of sSu-fiblki aridJD^orfilk, this spe-
^icvftcqp^it'ly^rn.ilÿes» i tsnnest imdm|p!3 in the ground*, gene-
rall^iselecting a?rabbitViburrow.d@r!dhe- purpose ;||§raè: Messrs.
jS^eppard^Shd Whitearj 4h èhei-B||Bat-âte||ih of .'the,-Birds' of
»the fifteenlh^^kt^e^i^th© Trans-
the- Linnean mention, — that, whèn. fhe
warrënerëfÆnd* thë|y'^«|feièra ,»a& burrow. ?thfp|fixlsticks/rat the
w fe' of the hole in such a manners a^;40‘.p^^4i^they.escape
of- the young, ;b.ut to allow tttd oM^birdsl^fed*.them ; and
when^they are in* gbod^coriditicsn^Hê^aréîtakenifor the tablé.
Mr. Ddathes se fy& Q 1 ifflb|eeds in theÿ^^i^pat
Herringfleebr.^pMf.-- SalÉron^dndiis^n&fciee- off,Norfolk birds,
sayS£ V 'the .Stock (Do/ÿ|p||upies ;t^pd©sdrfód aabbit burrows
upon warrens,’ it plaé|^its?pair:of|é'gg^ about a yard from the
entrancéllgenerafly upon the j bafe sand,:,^nretiames)^asin;g a
snaallf ^<^^%%|byî*^<Med.^|®,ts,,' feJiCa barelycsuffiéient-', to ijkeép
the eggs from ifIP'ground:-? besidesȕsuch ^situations' on the
héathsÿû%nestles undefetthick Jiaæzei bushes,(which are impervious?!
® rain in conseq’uehc^ofrthe': sheep and-, rabbits eating
off the -„young and ■ .tende®.» _sh#tdfe/ as * they? growpthe*. birds always
.pxeferring/thosmibushés that have a small .opening made
rby;;the-rabbits'near the ground; a few. pairs occasionally breed
in the holes of decayed ttees^ >but this dssof rare occurienee in
this (district.' It general^« commeneies. breeding by the end
Of March, or'the(beginning î of ^Âprd4.> the young ones,- which
are véry much :? esteemed,- ; being** ready for the table by the
*' Æn'ds from omos; vinum} vihdgo, a name given ttf this bird by Ray.