Passenger Pigeon, occurred nearly at the same tinSe in the
menagerie of the President of the Zoological Society,, the
Earl of Derby, at his seat, Knowsley, in Lancashire.
The beak is., orange; the irides pale yellow.; the head,
cheeks* back of the neck, wjng-CQiygrts, back, and upper tail-
coverts. bluish grey; sides of the neck reddish chestnut, beautifully
iridescent,- reflecting greep. fby,, transmitted light; and
purple by reflected light; lower part of theineckjhehiud, the
scapulars and tertials, brownish grey ; winpcovOrts with a
few oblong spots of black ; primaries lead > grey, with lighter-
coloured outer margins, the shafts black ; the tail long, cunei-’
form 4’ the* four middle tail-feathers. the; longest, : lanceolate
and pointed; the outer four-on each side?graduated,; the
middle pair blackish brown; th e . nexMeng leather ^each
outside white,' tinged with pearl gxey over .aJpbrtiorM.df the
outer web, and Jead;p e y a,t the-base ; the-other -four, aiftsidfe
feathers white, partly-tinged with pearl pey-,-and at thpbase
with lead grey; chin biuisfa-grey4.; throat-, affid breast rich
chestnut bay, becoming paler on the belly, apd; flanksv;--yent
and under tail-coverts white; legs and 'toes rather- long, and
reddish orange ; the
The whole length of an adult male bird; s^njteoiynches..
From the, carpabjoipt^t^ the end of theming, eight; Inches and
a half; the 'first and third quill-feather ; equal in length,
longer than the fourth, but .a-little shorter than thC- second-;
which is the longest in thejwing.
The female is rather smaller than the male^ seldom measuring
more than &ixteen inches in length,, and her plumage is
less pure and bright, being more tinged with brown.
PhasianusiColphicus, Common Pheasant, M o n t . Ornith. Diet.
The ,, B e w i c t , Brit. Birds, vol. i. p. 331.t
,, ,, . Flem. Brit. An. p. 46.'
L ,r C o M m o p ' V , Selby, Brit. Ofrrith. vo^J, p. 417.
,j > ',, •' J e n y -n s -,' Brit.‘Vert. p. 166.- ’ .
5» - .l.'iin-j.i *4&ould, Birds of-Europe, pt. xxi.
P Faisan vulgdite, T e m m . Mari. d'Otriitri, vof. II. p. 453.