but this appears to be constant at alljages ; chin and throat
white, this colour extending from the latter round thë nape
of the neck ; below this and above the breast is a collar .of
black; the breast itself, thé belly, vent;- ahd under tail-qo-
verts, pure white; legs-, and foes' flesh'Colour tinged with yellow;
the claws black.
In the Manual of M. Temminck, vol., ii. p. 542, the
length of this Little Plover-is,-by an error mfithe press,, stated
to be three inches ten lines, French measure, instead i f Jive
inches, ten line^ French measure, equal to about .six inches
and one quarter English - measure. Adult’ specimens generally
measure rather more> From the carpal joint to the end
of the wing, four inches and three-eighths; the first qjiill-
feather but very little loiiger thamthe second, ahd the/long-
est in the wingo1.
The representation of the adult bird in Mr.'Gould’s, plate
wants the pale brown colour of the back extended .over the
feathers of the rump and the upper tail-coyertsr-
Adult females have the white and black frontal btinds
narrower than the males, according to M. Temminck,: and
they are also less perfectly defined. "
Young birds of the year want all the -ffecidecf black' inark-
ings which distinguish old birds, and the ash-brown feathers
n f the back and wing-coverts have buff-coloured margins. -
Tringh^uatarola, 'Grey Sandpiper,
Sqüatarola cinerea,
Vanellus griseus,
Squatarola cinerea,
P enn. Brit. Zoolivbr'l.ii; p.'69.
Mont. Ornith. Diet.
Bewick, Brit. Birds, vol. ii. p. 87.
Flem, Brit. An, p. I l l ,
Selby, Brit. Ornith. vol. ii. p. 227.
J enyns, Brit. Vert. p. 181.
Goul’d, Birds of Europe, pt. viii. ■
Vanellus melanogaster, VanneaU'Pluvier, T emm. Man. d’Ornith. veil. ii. p. 547.
-Squataeola. Generic Characters.—Bill rather strong, cylindrical, straight*
nearly as long as the head; the tip, or horny part, about half the length of the
vhole bill, tumid, and arched, with the tomia bending inwards. NasS.1 groove
wide, half the length of the b ill; mesorhinium depressed below the level of the