same collection a male from St. Gothard, which was' -bought
in the market of Lausanne in SeptemberT834. It deserves
at the same time to be mentioned that Klein in his Ova
A vium, published at Leipsic in 1766^ has given a coloured
representation of the egg of Urogallus hybridus, tab. 15,
fig. % intermediate in size, and placed between the eggs
of the Capercaillie and Black Grouse, with a short reference
to, and description of, each, at page 88, as follows :—-Fig. 1.
Auerhahn. Urogallus major. Odum coloris rubiginosi,
hinc inde maculis parvis obscurioribus notatum. Fig. 8.
Birkhau. Urogallus minor. Ovum priori simile, sed
minus. Fig. Zwitter vom Auerhahn und Birkhenne.
Urogallus hybridus. Ovuik dilutius, maculis major thus.
I have referred, in the article on the Pheasant, to the singular
chaiige which takes place'in thé plumage of some of the
females among Pheasants, and other birds, by which they
assume,' to a certain, extent, -the, colours of the malë; and M.
Nilsson having figured in his illustrations before mentioned,
a female, ‘of, therWood-grouse in the plumage-of the male,
which he -c-alls truly a barren female, I have -here inserted a
figure of that bird.