5 44 ^.iNSiCOLOPACÏ-DiE.
h îL A L L A ^ K E S . 1 ' i S C O L U P ^ f ^ K
Trjnga'macularia^Spîkteâ^'SarÆ^nper, P'Bwif; 70i ;>-
ÀMwrNy .'-Arni th.iDifeti andJjfgpBt. I
. ' "* I %, 1">a i ~ I PLViicK^Btit. Birds,^ol. ii. p.iOS'.
Totanus ,, ' ' F l-em. BriL *A ^ £ |* ^ ,3 /* y
„ macularius > *.* . dixyNypHiit.- Vert.-p. ICO.
‘ ,,- 'L'mcfcIflaTM, 'C'keiaCie’r'perlej' Traru. M-ttn. d’OinitU'.>î($wii?Jp7656ï<
. -The Spotted included in
our catalogues, and historiés <of- British Birds^oBr^fôîauïhôrity
-oS Edwards and Jfewitk$ -but believing ^with Mr. Selby, the
Rev. Mr. Jenyns^.ahd others, dhat^the; birds jfrom which E d wards
and Bewick'drew their representations, were only specimens
of our Common Sandpiper, Tot anus .hyfyqleucos, .the
species. Tast described, I had intended not to have included
the Tota&us macularius^in the present, work;.. It will be re-
coAitfedc-that Montagu states in his Supplement that he had
never met*with this species.
^ Mentioning this intention to my friend Mr. Heysham
duringv^p recent visit to London, he immediately told me
;>&t on | l rew»>M(tft tfWna» home he had visited Norwich, and had
cgWi^(in, thlf^Me©Mb|i- of-J. H. Gurney, Esq. .the Banker of
killed -specimen of the Spotted Sandpiper,
am adults )bi-rd,,L'wh\ch had-beém received in the flesh, and pre-
’SMvd^lor'him by Mr.,.George. Johnsomof Norwich. S
Mr. J. Hr. Gurn^,^ ith;;wh'b^ I hawe had thé pleasure of
beingi'acquainted some- years, Jnj^soon'er knew- my wishes oh
the^subjpct, than he^ei|uëstBd -Mr. Johnson to send me notice
of the placer and t im ^ ^ t h d capture of the recently killed
Totanus macularius, add the followii%, is an extract from Mr.
ÉRjlp f e JohSmsOm’s; pbligingicómmunication.
- / ‘.The Bird in question earned© me in the meat. I t was
shqtub dt,we on R u n ton and Sherringham on the riorth east
qoast^fof Norfolk, im company with a flock of the Common
Sandpiper, fiv,e‘ or six of wfli’eh came into my hands with it.
I t was k filed about-the! ^6,th of September, 1839§ the birds
bought by/a friend residing at. Cromer, about four miles
from Sherringham, whjÉsent them to; me not h in g aware that
any "of'them Wjére scarce or at all valuable. Your friend Mr.
Gurn'ev |iaw fhebird immediately after I had skinned it, and
I am extremely happy to^afford^eu any information of the
first British .specimen of the Spotted Sandpiper that has come
-to your notice.'”^ A
M. Nilsson, in his Fauna of Scandinavia, says that this
bird--'comes often into the North of Europe, and that specimens
have, been killed in the south of Sweden, on the islands
in the Baltic, and in Gottland. M. Temminck states that it
has I been killed in Germany and on the banks of the Rhine,
but not in Holland. Messrs. Meyer and Wolf, and M.
Brehm include it in their Birds of Germany.
VOL. I I . % N