From an article in the eighth volume’-of. Mr,.'London’s
Magazine of Natural History, there;, is reason tQ/.belieye that
another example of this rare.Snipe has ^^Tirredr.m
skire; bpt, singular as üt m.ay^appear,;-this''species .dces.-U^f
seem even yèt to have fallen intonfebe hands of any Naturalist
out of-the BritishJslands^ and all^bfaVn qf^ih© bird,
or its habits, is contained in the notices-here Cited.
Thebéak, is. dark brown atith ei^in t, paler reddish br^w-n
at thé Jaase; iridès dark brown; iipper part of tk%*?headr the)
back M the' n©Aif back,' S^pular^-wóngTeOverts'’ and
dusky brown, each feather varied by narrow'transvèKsê^ands
of-pale yellow brown, which are less n^^rotrs^Qhi'jthe-.-back
than over the wings.; .primary quilld e a th e rs^ ïp ^ p a ^ bw ith
black shafts; upper - tail-cdyettSYgreyish 3 brown ;btail-featihers
with rlhe basal halfdblack, the terminal! half brown,
spoètëfh and barfed with black; >tb e ’two*'centre ffeat'h ^ S have
rathecimore, and the outer feathers ratherj^ife^of .black than
the, others ; chin, neck,1 breast, and all fhe under,parts- of the
body, a mixture of dull brown andr pale"-yellow, brown,; in’
alternate narrow bars over the whole, sürfacö^fègs and toes
very dark chestnut brown, daws black.; w
The whole Jength about eleven imokesV^the: 'beak itwb
indies five-eighths, or three quarters; from the carpal joint
to.the end of. thé first quill-feather,, which is- the -dobgesfein;
th e wing, five inches.
1gràllatores1 WOLOPACIDÆ.
gnsea, BrownJmipe,, Penn. Brat.' Z.ool. vol, ii. p. 65. j
M H jjH ,, Mbsr. Ornith:Diet.
r \t- " .• Flem. Brit/.An.
Macrp^Jidvlj^mts^}'iseûs, s Lengpeâk^SIlby., Brit.,Ornith. vol.ij. p.* 103,.
, griêea. ... fount»a. > ..I i n r n s , Brit-iYert. p. 205.
Macrorhpmpku's ÿmeu^Bed breasted Snipe, EttOn^ Eare B S . Birds, p. 36.
d : :!s&rey-Smpe^ , ‘ flt^OTLD, Birds of Europe, pt. iii.
'■S'colppax,<J • griseq, Bécassine ponctuée^ „ T emm . Man. d’Ornith. yçl. ii. p. 679.
Màcuorhamphus. Generic Characters.—Beak long, straight, rounded, rather
slender m the middle, the-tip dilated^’s llghtïÿ incurved, and rugose. Nostrils
lateral, .basal. Legs'with four’toes,, the outer toes connected at their base
by a membrane ; hinder to.e torching the gf^cLpnly at the tip ; lower part of
tibia naked. Wings" long and pointed.-'
T he B rown .Snipe was first made known as a British
Bird by; Col. Montagu, who described it in his' Ornithological