Tringa islandica,
Red Sandpiper^ P enn. BrifTZooI. \ol,
Ask-detoured ,, - .;™ ir>7|„
The Knot,
„ canutus,
V>. islatidica^fi - Red 'Sandpiper,
,, . = Ash-coloured ,,
,, canutimg^'The Knot, •
Calidris „ t,-»-* /cy,- _
Tringa cinerea, ySMcwseau“cartut,
'M o n j . O r n i j h f p l c h j Bswuh, But. Birds. vol?$Y*p! 96. ’
An.p. X®lI,
S im ! , Brit. drnifli. vol.iiffp. 1^^/
J enyns,” e rt. p . 213.
^8?outt), Birds 6f Eurppe., pt. xi.
Tem'm. M^j. d’OrhTth’. vol. ii. p. 627.
T he K nox is- by no means an ^jieonimonl|bird m ;iiis
conn% from autumn through t]je winter ffe the spring, remaining
sometimes as late as the beginning of May, and
assuming 'the' fine red tints of plumage peculiar to their
'^reeding.state,-,before they-,,leave for those northern districts
in fwhibh sf-hey, produce heir * young. Dr. Fleming mentions
haying?shot jone in Sanda on 'the.lbth of June 1808; but I
am not aware-,-of any record »of the Knot breeding in the
British-Islands^ . nor 'do' I know;, of ,kny British collection that
Contains its; eggs.h .-According-'to M. Nilsson, the Knot ,in-
habitsntheiiar'ctie portions of, Sweden. and- Norway in summer,
butmpjescripticmr ofjhe. eggs is given-.-,; "Mr- Damn’s notes
on;., this species jare as follows Except -on the coast of
jSpqw a. -an dF^hl^^ikthem parts«.'!#^Scandinavia* in spring; and
autumn, thesebjtdsjavef not been met ^ith by me, nor have
its^ummer haunts i^EuropeClhpefrleiearly ascertained-; 'there
S fll^w eym jittle doubt but that-t^e| j a r e in Finland and
B |j-^opt.h;eaSttm rparts, as the bird seems fto' make, its appear-
arfe^n-.themastern- j^sistKdof .Scandinavia -first. It would be
d-nterestingito'know whether ;Wje„ are indebted to Europe, - Iceland;
go^&ptKAmeriA#ur4he ya^numb'ers that , appear on
the- §ai|i&n'scb,asts, of England--infautumn.”
g^SB^ Knbt yjghs Iceland and^gopsjto touch higher northern
summer, bp. reference» to;the Natural History
of -tbeaVariojas; Arctic/E^piedjtions from this country
^.lifW ^^ |;^ ^ap tain1^ h in e ;in .his Mem^r pn.the Birds of
Ereenland,. dfP|R‘ The Knot was killedfat Hare Island in
Juh^f’ , ;On Sir Edward' Parry’sbrst; voyage ithes’e .birds - were
.fo u J J ^ e J in g j m- great ^abundanoejon r thoruorth Georgian
Islands ; '■««$ o-nSthe>iseG£>ndS;^oyake myoung male of the yb^
was killed ;iu .the Duke pf York’s Bay/on the 17 th of August,
Dr. Richardson addfey;“ Knots were observed-.breeding on
Melyillp: -Peninsula by Captain Lyon, who tells, us that they
J a y -four eggs on hptuft of withered -grass; without being at
the pains pf-forming; any nest.” In the-Fauna Boreali Aine*
ricana, Dr. Richardson says- the Knot breeds in Hudsons