ferent seasons, had no indications 'óf summer plumage. Dr.
Horsfield includes this species in his^Catalo^ue^of the Birds
of Java.
The adult bird in summer plumage has the- beak black;
the irides very dark brown ;Jhe forehead and ' top of the head
white, the latter slightly -speckled with ‘ greyish' black ; nape
of the n'eclra mixture of dusky grey and whit®; the whole "Of
the 'Back, scapulars, wing-coverts^ tèrtials, rump, and upper
tail-coverts, black and white* ÏEèt base of each feather- béng
black, the ends white ; thé:wing-primaries greyish blacfe'Sthe'
shafts white; tail-feathers white, fwifeh numefoüs^réyisl^bkfck
transverse bars ; the chin,- cheeky utBïoat^sMës óf thé heèl*
breast, and bblly, black;'vent and under taiI-covertS%%r©T'
axillary plume elongated and black at aH;%egmfH sè'aso'riS;
under wing-coverts white ; legsy técsywd claws,- -tBMlC 1fe‘
this state, as to^colour of plumage, i t ë s ' the''HetyiticU -and
melanogaster of authors. ^
The whoi^ length very nearly twelA^inchet^'Fïom' the
carpal joint to the end of'the wing; seven incheS"4 ndlSive-
eighths; the first quill-feather three-eighths of an incM'Oifger
than the second, and the longest in the wing.
In winter the feathers on the upper surface o f the bocLy-mre
dusky grey, edged with dull white; the 'throaty J^feast, and
sides, lighter in colour than the back; the feathers^but'slightly
streaked with dusky grey; the belly^vdbt, ^andKmdêt tail-
coverts, dull white, with few or no marks.
In spring the black feathersdbiegin to appear on the breast,
and the birds may be observed in various degrees\of change
from white, with only a few black -feathers, tó entire and
perfect black. The breeding-plumage is generally complete
by the end of May.
Young birds of the year in autumn are darker than old
birds in winter, having a larger proportion of black above
and grey below.
Tringa vanellus, Lapwing Sandpiper, P enn. Brit. Zool. vol. ii. p. G6.
• ,, >» - „ M ont. Ornith. Diet.
' 5 tl j> ,, c B ewick, Brit. Birds, vol. ii. p. 83.
0ê^eRus èristatus, Common Lapwing,- Flem. Brit. An. p. H»:
.. Created'anGremLapwing,S elby, Brit.Omith. vol. ii.p .221.
}) \t ,, ,, Lapwing, J enyns, Brit. Vert. p. 182.
,, •■v », I G ould, Birds of Europe, pt. xii. J} Vanneau huppé, Temm. Màn. d’Omith, vol. ii. p. 550.
' V ânellus. Generic Characters. — Bill shorter than the head, straight,
slightly compressed ; the points of both mandibles horny and hard. Nasal
groove wide, and reaching as far as the homy tip. Nostrils basal, linear,
pierced in the membrane of the nasal groove. Legs slender, with the lower
part of the tibiæ naked. Feet four toed ; three before, one behind, united at
the base by a membrane ; hind toe very short, articulated upon the tarsus.
Tarsi reticulated. Wings large, tuberculated or spurred in front of the carpal
joint ; the first three quill-feathers shorter than the fourth and fifth, which are the
longest in the wing. a xri
V O L . I I . x E