length as the-seventh; the third, fourth,., and filth, nearly
equal in length, but the fourth rather the longest in the wing.
The top of the head in the female is of a dirty brownish
white, without toy appearance: of .red feathers ; the white
patches about the. ear-coverts oeeupy more space; than in the
males,, and the under surface of the; body is tinged with dull
pale brown.
Young male birds of the year assume the red colour. on the
top of the head during^ their first autumn.
, The vignette below represents the tongue and its-glands in
the head of the Great-Spotted Woodpecker, of the natural
size, as seen when the-shinds removed; The-structure is the
same in the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, except that alb
the parts in the latter are much smaller. - -
in $ e s s o r e s .
Yunx torquilla, The Wryn&chr PEi^N/'BrLt. Zool. vpl. i. p. 312,. $
,, f ,, *,, Mont. Orhithi Dicfr^”
. »‘Bewick^'Brit. Birds, v o l.i. p. 134.
,, Common Flem. Brit. An. p«|®» f
)t ' >t ,, ,, Seli^y, Brit. Ornith, v^ /i. p. 381.
,, ,, ‘ P ‘ Jtonrss, Brit.- vert. p.
,, ,, j& ,, „ G o u l d , Birds ,of Europe, pt.
,, . I **Totfool o r d i n a j.T.emri..Man. d’Qrnith. vol.i. p* 403.
- Generic Gliava'ciers.—Beak short/,'straight, conical; the tongue long, wormlike;
wlfca horny point;' nostrils basal, lateral, partly closed by a membrane.
Wings mbde.rate, the second quill-feather the longest. Tail-feathers ^flexible.
Feet with two toes in front, and two behind; the anterior pair joined at their
base ; the hind toes; unconnected.