western Siberia, and Faber includes it as a_bird of Iceland.
The Jackdaw does not exist in America. Eastward from
this country it is found very common in Holland and is
a native of Germany, France, Italy, and the northern shores
of Africa. Specimens have been forwarded to this country
from Smyrna and Trebizond. I t occurs in the countries
between the Blaek and the Caspian seas, and from thence
northward to Lake Baikal, but is not found in India.
The beak is black and short, about the same length as
the head of the bird; the; basal half covered with feathers
directed forwards; the irides greyish white; the crown of
the head black; ear-coverts, nape, the whole of-the neck
behind and on the sides, smoke-grey; the whole of the back,
wings, and tail, black; the wings exhibiting a portion of
shining blue colour, but not so conspicuously as in the Crow
or Rook; all the under surface of the body rusty black ; legs,
toes, and claws, shining black.
The whole length of a male bird about fourteen inches.
The wing from the carpal joint to the end of the longest
feather, nine inches and three-eighths; the first wing-feather
two inches and a half shorter than the second, which is
three-quarters of an inch shorter than the th ird ; the" third
and fourth feathers nearly equal in length, and the longest
in the wing. The wings when closed do -nbt reach to the
end of the tail by rather more than one inch.
The female is smaller in size than the male; the grey
colour of the feathers under the hood is less conspicuous,
being rather darker than that of the males, and is not spread
over so large a surface.
Young birds of the year exhibit but little grey colour
about the neck, and it is not much more obvious in the
second year; several years are probably required. for the
attainment of the bright silvery grey colour observable on
some males.
Corvus pica, The Mitgpie,
Pica caudata, Common ,,
,, melanoleuca, The ,, ,
Corvus pica, ,,
Pica caudata, ,,
Corvus pica, La Pie,
P enn. Brit. Zool. vol. i. p. 289. -
Mont. Ornith. Diet.
B ewick, Brit. Birds, vol. i. p. 98.
Elem. Brit. An. p. 87.'
Selby, Brit-, Ornith. vol. i. p. 358. H
J enyns, Brit. .Vert. p. 147.
G ould, Birds of Europe, pt. i.
T emm. Man. d’Ornith. vol, i. p. 113.