flocks on the cultivated ground in the south-western part óf
Norway; Mr. William Christy;saw iC~at Hammepfest, -and
Linnseus mentions having“ seeh plenty duringlh-i^^’nr in the
Lapland Alps. I t góës to - the Faroe Islands, „to Iceland,
and Greenland every summer; and was . seeh on different
occasions by the Arctic vdyagers from this country as .1 far to^
the northward--and westward as thé North Georgian Islands-
and Felix Harbour. Dr. Richardson, in the Fauna Boreali-
Americana, says, “ that the breeding quarters ’ >01, this; ^ell-
known bird are the'barren grounds and the coasts and islands
of the Arctic Sea. It-hatches early in Juafê, andtfétires
southwards in August. N umbers linger on the mufldy^boresi
of Hudson’s Bay, and on the sandy beaches.-mf rivers and
lakes in the interior, until the hard-frosts of September-and
October drive them away, ; At this period t'he^m-fLy^^fat,
and are highly prized by the epicures of the fur-countries.-
They make but a short stay in Pennsylvania, and <'are>Sai*bto
winter beyond the -United States.’^ There appearsV-however,
to be some doubt whether the bird which'-gOses so, far
south as to winter beyond the United. ^States dsrthe' -trite -
Ch. pluvialis of European naturalists^' Sj^ William“ Jardine,
Bart, in the second volume of his illustrated edition oflWilson’s
American Ornithology,has given the' specific characters
of Ch. pluvialis and. Ch. virginianus'm parallel columns :
the distinctions are conspicuousand the Prineeflff M-usig-
nano has not-included the Ch. pluvialis in' his ‘recently published
List of the Birds of North America, Two examples
of Golden Plover from North America in the Museum of
the Zoological -Society differ from our British bird, and
appear to me to be identical with the Golden Plover found
in. Asia, to be- hereafter referred- to. North America may
produce two species of Golden Plover; but the figure of the
Golden Plover in Wilson’s work exhibits, in Jthe beak, in
the lengthened legs, and in the extent of the bare part above
vthef^oint, as well. as^lmb other particulars, the characters
^bWh^yGoldlSi^PlWeB of Assia|* and one specimen of a Golden
P ^ |x from America at.;the; -Zoological Society, is
pimflar to- ^y®ri,b|tg^'cS-'VQd from the - Society? Isles and from
*Sydney,%29d$^hddo not Asiatic bird.
#>Gur b u t , fonrleggs/iwhich are large in
j|pir!>pdrtiibfiit©'||||e s%e^Sfcfe bird, bu.h:*ithhas„ only one brood
dnhthe* seafsom i The’ ^©g-gy. 'are of ai^-elis||^|sh stone colour,
iblSSitchfed^and s ^ t t f d with l^o^piish black; -the leWf&otwo
.inch eS’^oiCt&Q^'n ch ^fbur line ^ l^ybreadth. % About dhe-Ond of
May^ ro^^gMhing'‘l©feJ|u^ bb'^ervCs^ the females
^j@gii^c^|cyi/ ^ ^ g < b u t |iK ^ R r t ^ ® | '®eStv> small, depres-
^©njinyShfe aground ;amad|f the pa%vberng%enfefllly taken
.-advantage ||^!?a!nd with- a few^dryf>fibres*>and$stems, of
\igjassi The f|(®h!^i|yfchff|excla|d^® are capered withy'st beautifu
l ' wn-i ofigr^Jii(MW andsbasown ; they - quik the
meft;jas g©1on,-as hatph"ed;h andu;f^f|o^th'ei^ .-parents till able to
-fl4kh|h-support tk^^te^whi>cli»!3s in ^li^comjsfeii of a month
five weleks?^ The\#td birdso^isplayi great anxiety^m^rO-
-tecting thoiaiyo.ung’lbrood,s' usmgiwa^^s- stratagems to divert
|the attention |o|tan ienemy^| TS^yifeed^^nPwormsj i-slugs, and
Lillisdcts\in ya&iftifei They havCpa shrill whi$t|jfog * no$ej
and may be ’deceived and decoyed within •shokby^a skilful
In autumn thef§^^ds'bro(^y ^ associate,vferming flocks,
and p o th e r wing their* wayrsoj^thwards^ T B are observed
in great numbpr^ir.ough- thd.win®| op moor?, heaths^ downs,
and large qppn^ffiel d s, jin mosb^of .the .southern counties, and
many,Resort to - the- sea ;shores. They are excellent birds for
the table.
v.,-From tbe northern parts^^ the European Continent they
,also return after, the breeding-reason ^inhabiting - for a time
France, Provei|f§f Sardinia, Italy,- and the shores of Africa.
The Zoological Society have received specimens from Trebi