dible a brown streak passes below the light-eoloured one to the
ends of the ear-coverts; the feathers—o f the back, wing-
coverts, tertiate, and upper tail~coveïtsr pale thrown,' each
feather, with a dark brownish black longitudinal streak in the'
line of the shaft; Vrang-primari^almost'blaek^ the first and
second with a white-patch towards the'en d ; the' tafefeathers'
with the basal halves mottled with'two shades of‘brown, the
third portion while, the ends black ; the-outside ‘tail-feathers
shorter than those in'thé middle.^ The chk^aiid throat white ;
the neek and breast pale>brownish white; each feather streaked;
along the centre with blackish brown; belly, '-sides,^-and
flanks, almost white,<with - long, narrow,. longitudinal Streaks ;
vent and under tail-coverts buffy white^withouh streaks- ;-légs
and: toes yellow ; the claws almostJblack.
The whole length' seventeen -iritïhé|.r’ The wing, "from the
carpal joint to the end, niné inches and three-quarters :r the!
first and second quill-feathors nearly equal 4n- length, -and the
longest in the wing.
The. plumage in the two sexes is nearly similar. -
In young birds the' markings of-the _plumagé are leSS'-das-:
tinet. m
Ôkaraârius plmialis, Golden Plover, P enn. Brit. Zool. vol.ii.p. 98.
,j , „ ,, : Mont. Ornith. Diet.
- , ,jj j} 1}-„ .B ewick, Bril.Birds. volt.i. p. 376.
M „ Green Flem-. Brit. An. p. 113.
i „ Golden „ Selby, Brit. ërnith. voT. ii. p* 231.
,, ,, ,, ,, Jen.yns, Brit. Vert. p. 177.
> „ ,, Gould, Bircis of Europe, pt. i.
,, Pluvier doré, T eem. Man. d’Ornith. vol. ii. p. 535.
Çharadrius. Generio Characters.—Bill straight,, eorapressed, shorter than
the head; the end of the upper mandihm horny, pointed, and slightly bent ;
nasal furrow elongated. Nostrils basal, lateral, linear, longitudinally cleft in
the membrane of the furrow. Legs of moderate length, sometimes rather
elongated, naked abovè the tarsal jointi Toes three only, all directed forwards,
the outer toe slightly connected at the base to the middle toe. Wings of moderate
length, pointed in shape ; the first quill-feather the longest.
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