“ The Hooded Crow has been' known to-breéd near Scarborough
on two or. three occasions. In ône^%istarid^ a
female Hooded Crow was observed to pair with a Carrion
Crow on a large-free at Hâcknessf-where they stfcc'ée'deti in-
rearing their young.-- The-Cartion Ctifw was'shot khe
gamekeeper; bût the following year -the Hooded Grow re1
turned-with a new mate of 4he same sable hue as the form©
one to her old nest".’ The Carrion Crow and' the young
Crows were again all Sh#l f the old' female by hef'vigilance
escaped'all the efforts of the keepers' til' destroy her, ' and à,
third time returned with a fresh mate ; she was not, however;
again-iso successful, but-was shot, and^4s-now^pfeSefVed/in
the Scarborough Musèûm.’ The young «birds varied, *g§Ëfe
resembling the Hooded and,othem the Carrion Crow in tnèff’
plumage. Mr. Selby, in his address to the Berwickshire Naturalists’Club
in September 1834, menfüM^on the authority
Of Mr. Armstrong, that' a Hooded Crow had in'tlieprevîoïïs
spring paired with a Carrion Crow at Fówberry, where it'wUs
killed from the nest, containing eggs, ‘ Examples of a similar
nature, Mr; Selby Observes, have also been known to-OccUr
in Dumfries-shire by otir colleague Sir William »Jardine ; and
Temminck remarks, that ifi the northern countries Of Europe;
where tHe Ck comne-is rare, aïnixed' breed is sometimes produced
between it and the C. cotmx. A-Correspondent in
the Field Naturalist thus relates the result of his own 'observations
on the same subjectii-^^ Fo f four successive years I
had Opportunities of witnessing the pairing of the Carrion
Crow and the Hooded CroVr on some large beech trees which
surrounded* my house in Forfarshire. They never reoccüpied
the old nest, nor did they always build théir nest on the
Same tree ; nor wâs I positively certain that it-was the same
individuals who returned' eVéry year to these trees, though it
is probable they were, fof they were never molested. Knowing
the predatory propensities of the Carrion Crow on hen’s
hKicks-. 'and even turkey poults,- I would have
j$hotrthem had, they: been a pair' of Carrion Crows i but I was
‘anxious; to watch- the result of what appeared.'to me at the
•time a remarkable union. Judging froin the manners -of the
'two birds,, the.’ -afeipsfc Constant incubation, and. carefulness
.exhibited;. I should-say th a t.fjp ^ o o j^ d . Crow was t h eM-
niale, though Carrion Crbw did frequently sit ,upon the
{eggs;, ;A£ter the youngcpf! the,.first year took wing, I per-
‘,ceiwe.d'/,that'.the:)p^,^wasI' a Carrion;and-,tte| other.a.Hooded
jCTow,' and tips dis|in^&^ character f w$s maintained in the
f.ybung>hich were hatched/every-y @!a^: asCJopg.as I remained
in that pari,of thej^efetry, ‘ I shot the:first young-pair, and
lascertained .th a t. the 'Hppdeds one .Was.th^ female,-and the
Carrion was’th^. male, whichiconfirmed’.me in my c6u|ectnj5e
iof-ihevseiesripf th e ^ p a y ^ j Ever aftejayoungj .and old were
.unmolested by me; but, notwithstanding' the increase, ’of
mumToer.’evejiy Year aft©/the .’first unevenly. one, pair came
a n n u a l l y b e e ' e h 4^| | s.^' .Another remark-
;able instance is'^Mfiq@d:# n Mr! Atkinsopps^Compendium of
•the OrnithplGgppf Great’ Britain,. page. where a male of
.the Hoo.#edr;&)w' paired with a -female^,of. the Carrion'Crow
-at Aroquhar, on, LoehylioUg, and this, singular attachment
-had su ls lt^C tMee of four .years ; .their nest',was like that of
-the Carrion Crow, in the fork., of a tall pine, and the,young
;brood'had already flown J ib u ti’tlie, party unable to pror
cure one of them,'onto ascertain wjpej^f.tlie parents they most
resembled.. In further proof .of; birds in a wild state SOme-
dimes pairing with others'.not of dheir fO'^n ^f^feSj .I may
-quote a letter.received’from R. H,-Sweeting, Esq;,of-Char-
’inouth, stating that, a. keeper! b ro u g h t^ n a pair of'Harriers,
‘genu's Girms'y ;whichhf- had ju st shot ».together at their nest
lin u fursle brake,- in the act! of feeding their ypUng, the female
?of which' proved to 'be .a Ringtail,, and the male an example
of Montagu’s Harrier. ! Another instance is recorded in the