tail-feathers barred transversely with dusky grey; legs, . toes,
and claws, brown.
The whole length of the male: .bird forty-five, inched
From the carpal joint to the. end. of the wing, twenty-four
inches and a half : .the first quill-feather shorter than -the
second; the second shorter than the. third or the fourth,
which are.the longest .in the wing.'
The whole length of the female is thirty-six inches.
.From the jojnt to’ the end. of the jfing, .nineteen inches and' a
half. The females | generally do not exhibit! the" lateral
plumes from the chin, but in the Transactions of the Linneari
Society of Bordeaux, M. de Rochebrune. has remarked that
when the female has arrived at her fedl. growth, at the. age. .of
three or four years, she has the. same external - characters as
the male, only somewhat less developed.
Mr. Selby observes that the young at a month Cold are
povered with a buff-coloured down, barred upon the- Jaack,
wings, and sides with black. '
Want of sufficient .space here obliges me,_ta transfer the
representation of the pouch in the'male of the GreatiBustard
to page 375.
The outline below is from the breast-bone of a female jof
the Great Bustard, half the natural size;
T H E L IT T L E R U fTA RD ..
Otis tetrax, The Lesser sLustavd^ P e n n . Brit. Zopliy'ol. i. p. 379. •
11 * 'LiiÜe 1.' ,'7 ^AmöKT. O rn itlfj|K ^ . I -
. •' ! ~ h it'
;V ,* Fgayyjl^t.jA.a.'p. 115.,
"j: 1 M. ,, Selb*, Brit. Qmith. voBroip. 447.
,, J e n y ^ s , ''BritS 175'.
,ij_ n G$Eo$ b, Birds of Europe, pt. ii. A
' I I I Outarde canepetigre,$EMM.. Mao. d’Ornith. „vqu ij.p. 507.
" % B %