three-quarters ; the quill-feathers of the wing not so decidedly
black as those of the male; beak, legs, and toes, vermilion
re d ; claws blacky
Young birds of the year have but little purple gloss on
their plumage ; legs orange redv -
- ÇjQ&tR .OSTRES. 1
Cor vus corax, The Raven, P enn. Brit. Zopl. vol. i. p, 2ffiC ,
,, MoNT.'^Ornith: Diet. :
,, B ewick, Brit. Birds, ' '
■,,, F lem. Brit. An. p. 87.
,, Sei/by, Bfit. Ô rn ith .v o l. i. p. 346.
■’ ; J eny-ns, Brit. 'Vert. p.*®B’ir "
,, -GoUjiai) Birds, of Europe, pt. vjiii '
Corbeau npir, T emm. fiJan.-jd’O rnith. vol. i. p. 407.
” Corvtis. Generid Ch&racters.—“-Beak straight at the base, compressed at
the sidles, curved towards thé point,-and sharp at ,the edges»v ^Nostrils basal,
open, hid by1stitf feathers directed forwards. Wings pointed ; the first primary
of moderate length, the second and *ihird shorter than the fourth, which is the
longest. Feet—tjh.rpt toes before, one behind, almost entirely divided ; tarsus
longer than the middle toe.'