Savi, the ornithologist of Tuscany,: says it leaves Italybbr
Africa about ther end of August; and according -to Messrs?
Dickson and Ross it is abundant at Erzerum from'the beginning
of May till the end of September.. I- have never'Sééh
our Swift-in any collections brOhghfe from India,
The beak is black, tke-mandibter very short? but the ïga?pb
is iwide; irides dark brown ; .the head,-back, the whole? of the
body and wings,.| above and below, -nearly- uniform blackish
brown, except a small'patch under the chin, which' is:gteyisK
white ; lègs, toes, and claws, short and black.
The whole length of the bird to the end" oft the forkedfetail,.
seven inches. Prom the carpal joint to-the^end Of the wing,
which reaches an inch and a quarter bëyond thé'^e’ird of-the'
tail, six inches and five-eighths: thdsecond quill-feather'thfe
longest in the Wing ; the first a little longer'than the third.
% Young birds have the 'chin, whftp^the- têrtials, arid some
of the feathers on the upper- surface of- the>body?tipped with
buffy white.
3 The vignette jj below. represents the -foot' of th e'_ Swallow?
with the breast-bone and foot of the" Swift. In the latter th e
four toes are all directed forwards. In ike .breastbone the?
depth of the keel, and its consequent large musclcï^indrcatcv
the power of. flight?
T Ê tE . A L P IH ® W I P T , .
w o n t » e w h i t e - b e l l i e d -Sw i f t .
Gypselus^atpiiius, Alpjne' Swiftsi&EBY-, JBrlt3.Q'riiith.j.votSi. p? 1
Brit. YWt p, 159'. o«;
jl ,, , v White beïhcd „ feYTjffi? I^are Brit. Birds, p. IT.
,, w ,, ,, (jot i re® of, Europe, pt. n.f -
* , , Mwrtinetd vènti%~btbé^$W-%m-M. Man?^®¥nïtht<vbl?i?p. 433.-
Pou,R examples? ofg®e.jWhite'bel,lied ^Swift are now x&i
corded-as. having been .obtained inr th% Brjti|h; Islands’, and a"
fifth m ag ^b cv re fe rrcd to ,..w h ich k illed a ' few miles.-fronr
land offiQape Cleat, on 'the..'sputh-w<!|il point. of the'coast of
Ireland. The .;firs%'f\f the; four specimens?was shot-4 early in.
June 18.^0^y the R. HoMflii^j» Esq. at KiiigSgate
in the. Isle of Thane t, and this ^preserved birdbeing now in