The Canada Goofe. Anfer Canadenfis.
Numb. XCII.
TTTS Length from the Point of the Bill to the End of the
A Tail is two Foot two Inches; the Breadth when the
Wings are extended four Foot feven Inches ; Weight five
Pound ; the Bill from the Point to the Angles of the Mouth
one Inch and a quarter, of a black Colour I the fore part
of the Head, round the Eyes, and under the Chin, are of
a pale buff Colour; the back part of the Head, Neck, Back,
and upper part of the Tail are black; the Belly and Thighs
are white, as is alfo the under Side of the Tail and Rump;
the tfhole Wing is of a dark grey, excepting the exterior
Edges and Ends of the quill Feathers, which isfolack, as are
alfo the Ends of the upper covert Feathers of the Wings;
the Eyes are hazel coloured, the Irides of the Eyes white;
the Legs and Feet black, having the hind Toe. This Bird
I had from Newgate Market; it was Ihot with other Wild-
Fowl which was brought to that Place. I alfo received
one from Mr. Lilly of Cew-green which was ihot on the River
Thames near Brentford in Mddlejex; they are very
good when taken young and in Fleih. Sir Robert Abdy
was pleafed to fend me one of thefe Birds Ihot on the River
Thame in Cambridgejhire.