S B B S B S 5S53S S B S S S 555S S S S 9
( 3° )
The Latid-Rmly or, Daker-Hen. Ortygometra.
Numb. XXXII.
IT S Weight is 6 Ounces and i o Drams; Length from the
tip of the Bill to the end of the Tail 1 1 Inches and a half;
to the end of the Claws 1 5 Inches; Breadth when the Wings
are extended, 20 Inches; the Bill one Inch.
This Bird is in Shape and Bignefs like to the Water Hen;
the Body is narrow or comprefled iideways; the lower Part
of the Breaft and Belly are white, as is alfo the Chin ; the
Throat is of a more fordid or dirty Colour; on the Head are
two broad black Lines; there is alfo a white Line from the
Shoulders as in the M o re -H en . The middle Partof the covert
Feathers of the Back are black; the Sides of a rediih
aili-colour ; the Thighs are variegated with tranfverfe white
Lines; in each Wing are 23 quill Feathers; the leffer Rows
of wing Feathers both above and below are of a deep yellow,
as alfo the Borders of the prime Feathers; the Tail is
almoft 2 Inches long made up of 12 Feathers; the Bill is like
the Water-hen’s ; the upper Mandible whitiih; the nether
dusky; the Legs bare above the Knees;, the Feet whitiih;
in the Stomach when dilTected are found Snails.
It is called Rallus or Gralias from its ftalking; the Italians
call it lire delle §tyalie, as much as to fay, the great Quail
or King of Quails; and it isfaid to be the Leader of the
Quails, or their Guide when they go from one Place to another.
The French give it the fame Name as the Italians
do, as Roy de Cailles and Mere des Cailles.