ft/fa. ¿Ulnn.de/rn,, - ja iru n d o damefrtzca,.
The Houfe Swallow• Hiruudo donjeilipa.
Numb. XLV.
T T S Length is feven Inches from the tap o f the Bill to the end of the Tail; the Breadth
I when the Wings are extended, twelve Inches and a half; Weight fifteen Drams and
a half ; the Bill is ihort, black, flat and deprefled, very, broad at the Head; but iharp-
pointed, black alfo on the infide ; but the Tongue and Roof of the Mouth yellow; the
Aperture o f the Mouth gaping very wide, for the Conveniency of catching Flies and
Gnats aslhe flies ; the Tongue ihort, broad and cloven; the Eyes great and furniihed with
niitating Membranes; the Irides of the Eyes hazel-eolour’d ; the Feet ihort and black;
the outermoft Toe growing to the middlemoft at Bottom.' .
The Head, Neck, Back and Rump nre of ^a very-lovelyihining-, -but dark purpliihblue
Colour; as well above as underneath the' Bill is • a deep otange-colour Spot; the Throat
jtinf the fame Colour with the Neck; -the Breaft and Belly -white with a dafh of red; a.8
are alfo the interior covert Feathers, o f the Wings; the Tail forked confiding of twelve
Feathers, the outermoil of which are in Inch longer than the next, and end in {harp Points:
Of the interior Feathers the middlemoft are the ihorteft in Degrees, and fo in order to
the exterior, but the Difference much lefs; all the Feathers of the Tail, except the two
middlemoft, are bla.ck.and each adorned with a white Spot, which Spots crofs the Tail in
a ftreight Line ; the two middlemoft want the white S p o t T h e Wings have eighteen
quill Feathers alike black ; but ali the covert Feathers are of a deep blue like thoie of
the Back. j : u l : , ; ,
in the Stomach ©fan-old; Bird were fo.upd Beetles; in the Stomach o f tlje ypung many
fmall -pellucid, unequal Stones, tinftur.ed with a fail* claret Colour; not far frpm the Eggs
fmall Worms fpirally .rolled up, of three Inches Length. Thefe Birds build in Chimneys
and under the Copings of Buildings. They gather together about the latter End of September,
and are laid, to'fly into hot Countries, viz;.Mgypt and IE.thiopia, &c. to winter theie.
The Flefh is eaten in ¡Italy, and is a Specifick againft the Ealling-Sicknefs. The Aihes of
them two Drains, T Powder of Rofin one Dram, apd Honey, of Rofes njixt and applied,
helps the Quinfey and Inflammation of the Uvula.
The Stone found in-the Stomach of the young Swallow, taken at the Full of the
Moon, and bound to the Arm, or hung about thoNeckcf young Children, is&id to cure
the Falling-Sicknefs and Quartan Agues. They.foretel Rain, when they fly about Lakes
and Water, or near the Ground. Their Food is Flies, ppats and other .Infects.