The JVild Goofe. Anfer Ferus.
Numb. XG.
T T S Length from the Tip of the Bill to the End of the Tail is two
:§ Foot eleven Inches; Breadth when the Wings are extended five Foot ;
the Length of the Neck from the Tip of the Bill to the ietting on of the
Wings is feventeen Inches ; its Weight is feven Pound and a quarter; the
Bill two Inches and three quarters; the back part of its Head, Neck and
Back, and generally its whole upper Side, excepting the Feathers incumbent
on the Tail, is of a dark brown, yet the uppermoft covert Feathers
of the Wings are of a bluiih alh Colour; the iecond, third and fourth
Rows of Wing Feathers, and likewife the fcapular ones, have white Edges
about their Tips; the Feathers alfo next the Tail are purely white: The
Quills of the Wings are.twenty feven in Number, of a dark brown almoft
black: The Tail is fix Inches long, compofed of eighteen brown Feathers,
having their Tips and exterior Edges white; the Colour of the Breaft and
under Side of the Body is a light grey, inclining to brown, by degrees
lighter from the Head to the Tail, under which it is perfe&ly white; the
Bill is of a dark Orange or Saffron Colour, and the Tip a light yellow :
The upper Mandible all along is toothed or indented with many Rows of
fmall Teeth, and the nether only with one Row on each Side ; theTongue
alfo hath on either Side a Row of Teeth in its bordering Membrane ; its
Legs and Feet are of a Saffron Colour, its Claws black or livid, and under
each Eye is a whitiih Line.