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The Keflrel or Windhover. Tinnunculus.
Numb. VII.
TH E Female is about the Bignefs of a Pigeon : Its Length from the point of the
Beak to the end of its Train was 13 Inches: Breadth 25 Inches: Weight 5
Ounces and 2 Drams. The Beak ihort, prominent, hooked and iharp-pointed; the Balls
of the upper Chap is covered with a Skin or Membrane, in which are the Noftrils; the
middle Part next the Soar is white, the reft of a dark blue; it is toothed or angled,
which is receiv’d in a Dent or Cavity in the lower Chap : The Noftrils round; the
Tongue cleft; the Eye-lids yellow; the Eyes defended by prominent Brows. It hath a
wide Mouth and the Palate blue.
The Head is great; the Crown flat, inclining to an Aih-colour, and marked with narrow
black Lines along the Shaft of each Feather; the Back, Shoulders and covert Feathers
of the upper fide of the Wings ferrugineous, marked with black Spots, wz, each Feather
being reddilh hath a black Spot towards the Tip.
The Rump is cinereous; the lower fide of the Body, that is, the Breaft and Belly, was
of a pale Buff-colour varied with black Spots or Lines drawn downwards along the Shafts of
the Feathers; the Chin and lower Belly without Spots.
The flag Feathers of the Wing arc in Number 24, the exterior off which are o f a
brown or dulky Colour, but their interior Vanes are partly of a reddilh white, indented
with the brown like the Teeth of a Saw; the fix or leven next to the Body are red,
haying their interior Vanes marked with tranfverfe brown Stroaks; the under fide of the
Wing is white, with black Spots.
The Train is made up of 12 Feathers above feven Inches long, the outmoft Ihorteft,
the reft in Order gradually longer to the middlemoft, marked with tranfverfe Bars of a
duiky Colour.
The Legs and Feet are of a lovely yellow, the Talons black; it had a Gall; in the Stomach
was found Beetles and Fur of Mice-, the Length of the Guts was 28 Inches; the finglc
blind Gut was twice as long as the lower Appendices or blind Guts- The Male or Tarcel
differs from the Female chiefly in being lefs, and having the Head and Back of an Alli-
colour. They are often reclaimed and trained up for Fowling, and catch not only Jmatt
Birds, but young Partridges alfo. They build in Holes of Oaks and other Trees, and
lay 4 Eggs of a whitilh Colour, ipotted with finall red Spots of a Vermilion-colour
which makes them look very beautifuL