The following Obfervations 1 received from Dr. Derham
after the Defcriptions were printed.
DR. Derham hath obferved a confiderable Difference between the
Cock and Hen Cuckow (Plate VIII.) viz. The Head, Throat,
Neck and Back, as far as the Rump, in the Cock, is of a blewilh Lead
Colour, like the Neck of a Pigeon; but in the Hen of a darker Colour,
with a Dalh inclining to a reddiih Colour on the tips of the Neck
Feathers; the Wings alfo of the Cock are of a bluer, the Hen of a browner,
or reddiih black Colour; the Bill and Eyes in the Cock are more
yellow; for good Reafons he fulpe£ts them to feed alfo on Birds Eggs.
Dr. Derham hath a Magpie (Plate XV.) above twenty Years old, and
is quite blind with Age; it talks as well without cutting of the
Tongue, as any whofe Tongues are cut.
He hath obferved the Cock Jay (Plate XVI.) to be fomewhat bigger
than the Hen, the Feathers on the Head to he blacker, the Stripes
longer , and the black and blue Colours more elegant in the Cock
than in the Hen.
Allb he hath obferved the Lift on the Back of the Hen Wryneck
(Plate XXI.) to reach along the Neck, almoft to the very Bill; but in
the Cock to run no farther than to the upper part of the Neck.
Alfo he oblerved the Cock’s Belly to be naked, as the Hen’s that fits;
whence he concludes that it takes its turn in Incubation.
He hath obferved the Pippit (Plate XLIV.) to frequent Heaths, and
Plains, and lings by flying up in the Air, not high, and again down to
the Ground, or on a low Bulh, after the manner that the Tit-Lark doth
on a Tree.
Alfo he hath obferved the Cock Ox-Eye Titmoufc (Plate XLVI.) to
be fomewhat bigger than the Hen ; the black Lift on the Breaft and
Belly of the Cock to be fomewhat broader and more illuftrious.