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The ¿tfi-coloufd Parrot.
Nombi XII.
TH I S Bird is of the bignefs of a tame 'Pigeon-, the
Bill is black} the Noftrils near to one another, in
the upper Part of the Bill next the Head, which Part is cover’d
with a naked Skin (which Figure and Situation of
the Noftrils is the fame in all thofe of the Parrot Kind)
the whole Bodyis of an uniform Colour, viz. a dark cinereous;
yet the lower Part of the Back, Belly and the
Rump is paler than the reft of the Body, and almoft
white. The Tail is of a red Vermilion Colour, veryihort,
and fcarce reaching farther than the ends of the Wings:
The Region of the Eyes (and Sides of the Head round the
Eyes) is white, and bare of Feathers: The Feathers of
the Head and Neck are ihorter than the others. This
Kiild comes from Eaji-India.