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The Mizzel-Btrd. Turdus Vifcivorus.
IT S Length from the tip of the Bill to the end o f the Tail is 1 1 Inches 5 Breadth
when the Wings are extended, 18 Inches ; Weight four Ounces and a half; its Bill is
ftreight like that of a Black-Bird’s ; the upper Chap duiky and iomewhat longer than
the lower ; the Tongue hard, channeled and flit at the Tip, horny and pellucid; the in-
fide of the Mouth yellow; the Noftrils large and almoft of an oval Figure; the Irides
of the Eye hazel-coloured; the Legs and Feet yellowiih; the Claws black; the outer
fore Toe flicks to the middlemoft as far as the firft Joint, no Membrane intervening. The
Head is of a duiky cinereous or lead Colour, the middlemoft Part of each Feather being
blacker; the Back, Tail and Rump have iome Mixture of yellow; in Summer it changes
Colour and becomes more cinereous; the under Side of the Body from the Bill to the
Tail is fpeckled with pretty large blackiih Spots; the upper Part of the Breaft, Sides and
Feathers under the Tail are of a yellowiih white; the Middle of the Breaft whiter.
The Number of quill Feathers in each Wing is 18, whereof the fecond being by Mea-
fure the longeft is five Inches; the Tail is fourlnches and a half long, and made up of
12 Feathers of equal Length.
It hath no Craw; the Gizzard is not very thick or fleftiy, wherein are found Caterpillars,
&c. The Guts are great but ihort; the blind Guts little and ihort; it hath a pale
coloured Liver and a Gall-bladder.
It delights to let on the Tops of high Trees, and in the Spring-time fings rarely well;
it abides with us all the Year, and is a iolitary Bird accompanying with only its Mate;
it is the worft.Mcat of all the Thrufli Kind ; in the Winter it feeds on Holly-berries, each
Bird taking Pofleflion of his Tree, not permitting any other Birds to feed on it, hue
beat and drive them away, which occafions them to be eafily taken
They commonly build their Neft with rotten Twigs on the outfide, and dead Graft, Hay,
or Mofs within; it feldom lays above four or five Eggs; hatches three and never more than
four young ones, and breeds twice a Year, feeding their young with the Berries of M i-
Jleto-, from which they are faid to be good for Convulfions and the Falling Sicknefs,
the whole Bird being dryed and a Penny-weight of the Powder given in fix Spoonfuls of
black Cherry-water fweetned with Syrup of Piony.