( * ) :
. The Ja y . Pica Glandaria.
Numb. XVI.
IT S Length from the point of the Bill to the end of the Tail was 14 Inches; its
Breadth when the Wings are extended 21 Inches and a half, its Weight 7 Ounces;
the Bill dark aih Colour inclining to black, ftrong, near an Inch ana a half long;
the Tongue black, thin, pellucid, and cloven at the tip; the Irides o f the Eyes white;
the Feathers of the Head and Body in this Bird are taller, flenderer, and Hand more ere£t
than ordinary. Near on the lower Chap of the Bill are two black Spots, on each Side
one. The Chin and lower Part of the Belly whitiih, elfe the Breaft and Belly are of a
mixt cinereous and red; the Rump above is white, the Back red, with a Mixture of blue;
the Feathers on the Crown of the Head variegated with black and white.
The Sails of the Wings are in Number 20, of which the firft is fhorter by half than
the fecond, the fourth the longeft (being by Meafure 6 Inches and a quarter) the firft or
outmoftis black, the bottom or lower Part white, which is proper to it alone; the 6 next
following have their exterior Vanes of an a Hi Colour, the 3 next likewife, but more ob-
fcure and mingled with blue, heing alfo marked toward their Bottoms with tranfvcrfe black
and white Strokes; the 5 fucceeding have their exterior Vanes half white, half black, v iz .
the lower half white, the upper black, but ip that each Extremity of the white is terminated
with blue; the fixteenth in place of the white of the four precedent hath tranf-
verfe blue, black and white Spots; the feventeenth is black, having one or two blue Spots;
the eighteenth, is black with fome little red ; the nineteenth red with the tip black, the
under-fides of all the Feathers of the Wing are of a dark or dusky Colour. The Covert
Feathers of the 15 exterior Sails arc very beautiful, being variegated or checquer’d with
black, white, and lovely ftiining blue Lines, the reft of the covert Feathers being black.
The Tail is 6 Inches and a quarter long, confifting of 12 Feathers wholly black except
toward their Roots: Under the Rump there is fomething o f a blue mingled with cinereous.
The Feet and Toes are o f a ferrugineous dulky Colour, the middle Tpe is the longeft,
the outmoft is equal to the back Toe, the lower Joint of the outmoft Toe is joined to
the middlemoft, the back Claw is the greateft.
. The Eggs are cinereous, with darker Spots fcarce appearing; the Guts are 24 Inches
long, the blind Guts but half an Inch; it hath a Gall and a long Spleen : The Stomach
or Gizzard not very fie(hy,and having its Echinus,wherein were found Acorns, &c. (wjhencc
it got the Name of Pica Glandaria) It feeds alfo on Cherries, (of which it is very greedy)
Goosberries and Raffs, and other Fruit.
The Female differs little or nothing from the Male either in Bignefs or Colour, fo that
it is very difficult to know them afunder.
It will learn to imitate Man’s Voice, and fpeaks very articulately.