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The Chaffinch. Fringilla.
Numb. LXIÏI.
T T S Weight is fourteen Drams 5 Length from the End of the Bill to the End of the
I Tail is fix Inches, Breadth between the Wings when extended is ten Inches , its Bill
isiharo ftrcmg, white underneath, above and towards the Tip dusky, the lower Chap
M » th e upper, the Tongue cloven and rough, the Indes of the Eyes Ha-
ZeTC¿°Head iT th íc ^ k is^ lu e , but the Feathers contiguous to the Noftnis black; the
Back is rediih, with a Mixture of aih Colour or green, the Breaft red, and the Belly undeThee
C o í ü Í Í f ‘the Hen are not fo bright and lively ; its Rump is green, the Back
not fo red, and the Belly from red, inclines toa dirty kind of green ; the Breaft is alfo
^f t ¿ UquillCFe«hers in each Wing are in Number eighteen, and all but the three firft
or outcrmoft have their Bottoms and interior Webs wW> the'r
iih or rather green. In die Cock the fmall Feathers invefting the Ridge or Bafis of the
áre blue above in each Wing isa remarkable white Spot ; then after an Interface
Of Black, fuççeeds a long white Fillet, beginning from the fourth ^ h
tenth, continued thro’ the Tops of the covert Feathers; That Part of this fillet wmch
mffes through the Tips of the Coverts is tinñured with yellow.
The Tail is two Inches and a half long, and made up of twelve Feath®rS),of^ ^ 'CKV ,
outermoft on'each Side have their Bottoms,and alfo their Tops on the outfide the fi^ft black,
their middle Part.white, and the next to thefe lefs white, m z. only near the Top, and
on the outfide the fhaft ; the three fubfequent on both Sides are black, and the
middlemóft cînèreoüs with greenilh Edges. . . . „ , c . .
The Liver is divided into two Lobes, the right being the biggeft, the Stomach not very
flelhy ; and the u.utermoft Toe in each Foot, as in other fmall Birds, grows to the middle-
WQÁ h B h d W é s in its Colours; for Gefner affirms, that himfelf had feen a
all over white, and JIdrovandus defcribes one whofe whole Body from white declined to
vellow and another that was p a r t l y yellowiffi, and pardy black. They budd in b
Side of a Tree, and make their Neffi of green Mofs, fmall Sucks, and Horle Hair, lays
fix or.feien Eggs, and breeds tWo or three Times a Year; is a hardy Bird, feeding 0
any kind of Seeds, and foretelling wet Weather.