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The W y neck: lynx five Torquilla.
Numb. XXL
T T S Length from the tip of the Bill to the end of the Tail is 7 Inches
and a half; the Breadth 1 o Inches when the Wings are extended ;
Weight one Ounce. It is of theBignefs of the common Lark, or fome-
what lets ; the Bill is fhort, fmaller and lefs triangular than in the reft of
this Kind, of a lead Colour. The Tongue round, ending in a flharp, bony
Thorn, which it can dart out to a great Length, and draw it in again like
the reft of this Kind ; the hides of the Eyes of a hafel Colour * thé Feet and
Legsfhort, of a pale lead Colour or rather fleih Colour.
It could ruffle up the Feathers of its Head, fo as to make them appear
like a Creft as doth, the Ja y , the Plumage is fo elegantly and curiouffy colour
d, that it is very difficult in Words to defcribe it, the upper part of the
Body being variegated with white, black, rediib, dusky and aih Colour;
from the Crown of the Head all along the Middle of the Back runs a Lift
of black ; the Head is cinereous, with tranfverfe white, black and red Lines v
The Throat and lower Belly are yellow, with tranfverfe black Lines; the
middle of the Breaft is whiter, with fewer Lines; the Feathers covering
the bottom of the prime Wing Feathers are yellow, with tranfverfe black
Lines; the Rump is more aih colour d than the Head, with white Spots
and tranfverfe black Lines. ! '
The prime Wing Feathers are in Number 19, the firftor erutmoft being
fhqrter than the fecond, black and fpotted with great white Spots ; the
whole Wing is colour’d and fpotted with the fame Colours of the Body
before mentioned. The Tail Feathers are 1 o, not iharp-pointed, nor ftift;
nor bending inwards as in the reft of the Wood-pecker Kind; 2 Inches and
a half long ; of a cinereous Colour crofted at large Intervals with Bars of
Black ; between them powdered and fprinkled with fmall Specks of black,
The Toes are fo difpofed as in the reft of this Kind, 2 forward and z
backward ; it wants the blind Gifts like the other Wood-peckers ; the Length
of the Guts was 9 Inches long I It ftrangely and ridiculoufly turns its Head
back to its Shoulders, whence bfGaza it is called " Torquilla-, it feeds upon
Ants, which it ftrikes with its Tongue, and then contràéting it fwallows1
them without ever touching them with her Bill, having a glutinous Matter
flicking on the Tongue. The Hen is paler than the Cock, being of a'
more cinereous Colour.