J&t&uci&f 7flaac. TTlactu?. IZl&Z. ¿Z//rin, cde/tn..
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The Maccm or Macao of Brajils.
Numb. XI.
I T is bigger than our common Raven; its Head large,
broad, and flat above,; the Irides of the Eye white (as
is-alfo a large Space void of Feathers about the Eye) the
Pupil black; the Bill is great and hooked, the upper Mandible
of a flelh.y Colour, the lower dark brawn. Its Tongue
and manner of Feeding is like thofe of other Parrots; the
upper Chap of the Bill is near 3 Inches long, broad or
deep; its Legs and Feet are of the fame Colour with the
Bill; the whole Head, Neck, Breaft, Belly, Thighs and
Tail underneath, as alfo the middle Part of the Wings
above, are cloath’d with ifioft lovely and elegant red Feathers
; the Pinion of the Wing is adorn’d with a beautiful
yellow; in the middle of the Wing below the red is a Row
of bright grafs-green Feathers; all the Quill Feathers below
them are of a bright ultramarine blue, as is alfo the upper
Part of the Tail and Rump, or lower Part of the Back; the
Tail is ten Inches long, running much beyond the Wings.
The Hen Bird of this Kind is blue and yellow. They are
brought from both Eajl and PEeJi-Jndies.