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The Magpy or Pianet. Pica Varia Caudata.
Numb. XV.
IT S Length from the Tip of the Bill to the End of the Tail is i8 Inches and a half,
Breadth when the Wings are expanded 23 Inches and a half; Weight is 8 Ounces and
5 Drams; Bill 1 Inch and three quarters, black, thick and ftrong, the upper Chap fome-
what crooked and iharp-pointed ; the Tongue cloven at the End, and black ; the Sides of
theFifiure of the Palate rough with Hair like Excrefcences ; the Noftrils round, and be-
fet with reflefited briftly Hairs ; the Irides of the Eyes are of a pale Hazel Colour, in the
nictating Membranes is feen a yellow Spot.
The Head, Neck, Back, Rump and lower Belly are of a black Colour; the lower
Part of the Back near the Rump is more dilute, and inclining to cinereous; the Breaft
and Sides are white, as alio the firft Joint of the Vising ; the Wings are imaller than the
Bignefs of the Body would feem to require. The Tail and prime Feathers of the Wings
glifter with very beautiful Colours (but obfcure) of green, purple and blue mingled, like
thofe of the Rainbow, only in the exterior Vanes, the Number of Beam Feathers are 20,
of which the outmoft is ihorter by half than the fecond, the fecond than the third, and
the third ihorter than the fourth, but. not by .an equal Defedi, the fourth and fifth arc
the longeft of all ; the eleven foremoft about their middle Part on the Infide of the Shafc
are white, the white Part from the extreme Feather gradually decreafing, till in the tenth
it be contra died into a great Spot only.
The Tail is made up of 12 Feathers, of which the two middlemoft are the longeft,
being by Meafure eight and a half or nine Inches long, thè two next them above an Inch
ihorter, and fo the reft in Proportion; the middle Feathers of the Tail have their Bottoms
green, their Middles blue, and their Tops of a purple Colour.
The Feet and Claws are black, the loweft Bone of the outmoft Fore-toe is joined to
that of the middle.
The Length of the Gut was 24 Inches, of the blind Guts half an Inch; it hatha Gall
Bladder and a long Spleen, the Stomach not very fleihy, and having its Echinus.
This Bird is eafily taught to ipeak, and more plainly when the String of his Tongue is
cut, and imitates Man’s Voice very articulately; they are very mifchievous when let out
of their Cages; ftealing and hiding every Thing they can carry away.
They build their Nefts in Trees with great Art and Cunning, fencing them round on
the Out-fide both above and below with iharp Thorns, leaving only one Hole for them-
felyes to pafs in and out. It lays 6 or 8 Eggs at once, feldom more, greater and paler
than the Crows, and very thick ipotted with black.
Its Food is Infe£ts o f the Grub and Beetle Kind, Fleih of Beafts, and iometiines it will
fet upon fmall Birds, and kill and devour them.