The Sheldrake, or Burrough-Duck. Vulpanfer.
Numb. XCIV.
ÌTS Weight is forty eight Ounces i its Length from the End of thè Bill to the End of
the Tail is twenty feven Inches ; Breadth between the Wings when extended is forty
one Inches ; its Bignels is between a Goofe and a Duck ; the Bill is ihort, broad, turning
a little upwards, broader at the Tip, of a red Colour, theNoftrils and Tip or Hook excepted,
which are black j at the Bafe of the upper Mandible, near the Head, is an oblong
carnous Bunch or Knob ; the Head and upper Part of the Neck are of a dark green
Ihining like Silk, which at a diftant View looks black ; the reft of the Neck and Region of
the Craw white ; the upper Part of theBreaft and Shoulders of an orange or bright bay
Colour, and the fore part of the Body is encompaffed with a broad Ring of this Colours
along the middle of the Belly, from the Bread: to the Vent, runs a broad black Line, and
behind the Vent under the Tail, the Feathers are of a pale Orange Colours the reft of
the Breaft, Belly, under Side òf the Wings, and middle of the Back are white s the long
fcapular Feathers are black, and all the Wing Feathers, as well quill as coverts, excepting
thole on the outermoft Joint, are white.
Each Wing hath about twenty eight quill Feathers 5 the ten foremoft or outermoft are
black,, as are thofe of the fecond Row incumbent on them, except their Bottoms s above
thefe I towards the Ridge of the Wing, grow two Feathers white below, having their Edges
round about black 5 the next twelve Quills, as far as they appear above their covert
Feathers, are white on the infide the Shaft, and on the Outfide tinftured with a dark ihin-
ing green 5 the next three on the infide the Shaft are white, on the Outfide have a black
Line next the Shaft, the remaining part being tinètured with an Orange Colour s the twenty
lixth Feather is white, having its outer Edge black.
The Tail hath twelve Feathers white, and tipt with black, except the outermoft which
are all white. ,, ,, ,
The Legs and Feet are of a pale red or Fleih Colour, the Skin being fo pellucid, that
the Trail of the Veins may eafily be difcerned through it.
It hath as it were a double Labyrinth at the Divarication of the Wind Pipe : Its Fleih
is not very favoury nor delicate although formerly efteemed, their Food is chiefly Water
They are found about feveral Lakes and Rivers near the Sea Coaft of England and JVales,
but chiefly in Lancajhire and E JJix.
They are called by l'ome Burrow Ducks becaufe they build in Coney Burroughs, by others
Sheldrakes becaufe they are party-coloured ; and by others Berganders, which name is in
Aldrovandus, Book 19. C. 19. They love their young, and feem to imitate the Partridge
in leading the Fowler from them.
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