The Beardmanica or Bearded-Titmouje.
IT S Length from the tip of the Bill to the end of the Tail is fix Inches
and a half; Breadth, when the Wings are extended, ten Inches
and a half; weight nine Drams and a half. The Bill is ihort, thick
and of a yellowiih Colour (in the Hen dusky.) The Head is of a dark
cinereous Colour; from the Bill to the back Part of the Eyes, on each
Side, a Tuft of black Feathers hangs down, ending in a point, repre-
íénting a picked Beard, from which Mark it has the Name of Beard-
mantca. The Back, upper part of the Wings, and lower part of the
Belly and Tail are brown; under the Chin white; the Breaft, Belly
and Thighs of a pale yellowiih white, with a Tintiture of brown; the
Legs and Feet black. This Bird is very lingular in his Care and Love
which he fliews to the Hen, when at Rooft he covers her all Night with
his Wing.
In each Wing aré eighteen prime Feathers, the five or fix outermoft
are white, and have the one third of the Length from the Point of a
light brown Colour; all the reft have their exterior Webs black, and
their interior Webs light brown. It hath two black Spots on the upper
Coverts of the Wings on each fide.
The Tail is about two Inches and three quarters long, compounded of
twelve Feathers of the fame Colour with the Back.
The Hen is fomething fmaller than the Cock, and of a more beautiful
yellowiih brown; the Wing and Legs of the fame Colour with thofe
of the Cock. The Hen is without the Beard, and more pale on the
Thefe two Birds I bought of Mr. Bland on Tower-Hill, who told me
he had them from Jutland. I have been fince inform’d by Sir RobertAbd^
that they are found in the Salt-Marjhes in Effex, and by others that
they are likewife in the Fens in Lincolnjhire.