I fâ y
-c 5 j'o0 .v . The. Green.Finchy, Chlpris:.. y sO taSl v.Vt
t tP-OhD f io ib a l a i r n r î
' Nùmb.' ïiVIÏI.
ÏTS Weight is thirteen Drams; the-Length from the Point of the Bill
to the End of the Tail, is fix Inches and a half; Breadth, when the
Wings extended, ten Inches and a half Its Bill is like that of the
Grosbeak, but lefs, and'half an Inchin Length, iharp pointed, arid not
crooked; the upper Mandible dusky, the nether whitifli ; the Tongue
is iharp,’ and as it were cut off, ending in Filaments; the Eyes are fur-
riiihed with nictating Membranes ; - the Noftrils round, fituate in the
upper Pärt of the Bill next to the Head; the Feet of à Fleih Colour ;
the Claws dusky ; and the outer Toe at Bottom flicks fail to the middle
one: The Head and Back are’gréen, the Edges of the Feathers grey;
the middle of the Back hath fomething of a Chefnut Colour intermingled:
The Rump is of a deep yellow ; the Belly white, the Breaft of a yellowiih
green; and the Throat of the fame Colour with the Néçk : The Feathers
contiguous to the Bill are of a deep yellowiih green. The Borders
of the outermoft quill Feathers of the Wing are yellow,, of the
middlemoft green, and of the innermoft grey,; the inner Feathers of the
fécond Row are grey, the outer green: All the reft of the covert Feathers
are green. The Feathers along the Ridge of the Wing are of a
lovely yellow, as is alfo the Coverts of the under Sides of the Wings.
The Tail is two Inches and a quarter long, made up of twelve Feathers,
of which the two middlemoft are all over black ; thofe next have their
outer Edges yellow, and the remaining four on each Side from the middle
outwardly are black, but all their inner Webs from Top to Bottom yellow.
The Liver is divided into two Lobes, and hath a Gall Bladder an-
nfexed. The Bird when differed had a large Craw, anda muiculousSto-
mach filled with Seeds of Plants. They ■ build in Hedges ; the outermoft
Part of its Neft is made of Hay, Grafs, or Stubble, the middle of
Mofs; the innermoft, on which the Eggs lie, of Feathers, Wool or Hair.
It lays five or fix Eggs of a pale green Colour fprinkled with fanguine
Spots, efpecially at the blunt end. The Colours of the Hen are more
languid, and not fo bright and lively ; on the Breaft and Back it hath oblong
dusky Spots.