The grey Vlover. Pluvialis cinerea.
Numb. LXXVI.
IT S Length from the tip of the Bill to the end of the Tail
i is twelve Inches long, to the Claws fourteen Inches;
Breadth when the Wings are extended twenty four Inches.
Its Head, Back, and lefler covert Feathers of the Wings are
black, with tips of a greenifh grey; the Chin is white, the
Throat, Breaft, Belly and Thighs white. The quill Feathers
in each Wing are about twenty fix, of which the firft
or outermoft are black; in the fourth the middle Part of the
outer Edges is white, the white Part in the five following
being enlarged gradually ; the outermoft of the fecond Row
of Wing Feathers are alfo black; die Tips of thofenext after
the fourth are white, and the Edges too after the tenth; of
the third Row the foremoft ten are black with white Tips;
the Tail is three Inches long, not forked, varied with tranf-
verfe Bars or Beds of black and white. Its Bill is black,
above an Inch long, like to the reft of this kind; the Tongue
not cloven, the back Toe very fmall, and the fore Toes joined
by a Membrane at the Beginning of their Divarication;
that between the middle and innermoft leffer ; the Feet are
of a fordid green, and the Claws little and black: It hath a
Gall. The Fleih alfo of this Bird is very tender, favoury
and delicate, and in no lefs Efteem than that of the former.