£i. de/Jn.,
The Crefted Diver. Colymbus criffatus.
Numb. LXXXI.
iT S Length from the Tip of the Bill to the end of the
Claws is twenty four Inches; Breadth thirty three Inches
; Weight two Pound five Ounces and a half
The Bill is two Inches and a quarter long, both Mandibles
where it joins to the Head tinctured with a rediih
Colour ; the Creil black, beneath rediih brown, ending in a
faint cinereous white towards the Eyes; the upper Part of
the Neck is adorned with a Ruff or Collar of Feathers feem-
ingmuch bigger than what it is, ending in black; the back
Part of the Neck, Back and Wings are of a dark brown inclining
to black, excepting fome of the exterior Edges of
the quill Feathers which are white.
The Breaft and Belly are of a whitifh afh Colour, and the
lower part brown; it hath no Tail at all; the Legs broad
and flat, and the Toes are broad bordered on each Side with
appendent Membranes, but not web’d together, of a pale
green Colour, clouded in fome places with a rediih bro wn.
The hind Toe is very little, and the Claws broad and flat,
like the Nails of a Man’s Hand.