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The iejfer fpotted Woodpecker. Picus Varius Minor.
Numb. XX.
•7 T S Length from the tip of the Bill to the end of the Tail is j Inches
and a half; Breadth when the Wings are extended so Inches and a
quarter; Weight i z Drams and a half. This is for Shape and Colour
like the laft defcribed, but much lefs.
The Tail confifted of ten Feathers, from the exterior to the middle-
moft gradually longer each than other, the two middlemoft being the
longeft; of thefe the four middlemoft are wholly black, ftrong, iharp and
tending inward as in the reft of this Kind, fo made to fuftain the Body
when it climbs Trees; the three exterior are lefs iharp, of which the
outmoft and leaft hath the Bottoms black, and their upper part white,
with two tranfverfe black Spots; in the next the black Part is extended
in the inner Web as far as the fecond tranfverfe black Spot; in the outer the
white reacheth lower, yet hath it only one tranfverfe black Spot toward
the Top; the third is black, having only the Tip white.
The Throat, Breaft and Belly are of a fordid white, above the Noftrils
it is of a dusky Colour, and on the top of the Head it hatha broad Streak
of red, the hinder Part of the Head is black; round the Eyes to the middle
of the Neck on both Sides is a broad Bed of white Feathers terminated
With, black, (only the Feathers that cover the Ears are of the fame Colour
o f the Breaft.) The upper part of the Back, and the upper covert Feathers
of the Wings are black; the prime Feathers and the reft of the covert
Feathers are elegantly fpotted ydth femicircular Spots of white; the middle
Part of the Back is white with crofs Lines of black: The Bill,
Tongue, hides, Feet and Toes are like thofe of the laft defcribed; the
Claws black and crooked; the fame Number of prime Feathers in Wings
and Tail; the Stomach differed was full of Infeds.
It wants the Appendices or blind Guts, like the reft of this Kind. The
Hen differs from the Cock, inftead of a read Streak on the Top of the
Head ihe has a white.
Aldrovandus writes, that this Kind wants thofe red Spots on the Head
and Rump; which is true of the Female, but not of the Male, for his
Head is marked with a red Spot,
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