The Qrojs-Bill. Loxia.
Numb. LXI.
I T S Length from the Tip of the Bill to the End of the Tail is fix Inches and
three Quarters; it weighs one Ounce and a half; its Bill is thick, hard, ftrong,
black, and contrary to the Manner of all other Birds, crooked both ways, the Mandibles
crofling one another : The lower turns upwards, and the upper bends downwards,
but not in all Birds alike ; for in fome Birds the upper Chap hangs down on the
Right Side, the nether rifes up on the left, and in others' contrariwife ; the Noftrils
are round; the Ears great and wide; the Irides of the Eye yellow, and fometimes inclining
to a Hazel Colour; the Feet are of a dusky Fleih Colour, and the Claws black : The
lowelt Joint of the outermoft Toe flicks to that of the middlemoft.
The middle Part of the Back, and lower Part of the Belly, are brown, intermixed
with other Colours ; the Chin and Breaft are yellowifli, and the Head and Sides of
the Neck are rediih intermixed with brown and other Colours. Thefe Birds vary in
their Colours; for in fome the Top of the Head and middle of the Back the Feathers
are black, and the Edges green; in the Head there is fomething of cinereous
mivprt with other Colours ; the Rump green, and the Chin aih coloured ; the Breaft
green, and the Belly white; only under the Tail the middle Parts of the Feathers are
black or dufky. Some fay they change their Colour three Times a Year. The Number
of quill Feathers are eighteen, of a dark brown, only the outer Edges of the fore-
moft are green; the Tail is made up of twelve Feathers, two Inches and a Quarter
long, dark brown, with green Edges. The Guts have many fpiral Convolutions, and
*he blind Guts , are very ihort.
It is a moft voracious Bi*d; it is much delighted, and feeds very fat with Hempfeed;
It alfo loves Pine and Fir Kernels, and in the Months of January and February builds
its Neft in thofe Trees. They fay, that with one Stroke of its Bill it will divide an
Apple in Halves, that it may feed on the Kernels, by that means doing a great deal
o f Mifchief in Orchards.1 - “ j
In fome Parts of Germany, Bavaria, Suevia and Noricum, they are found in great
Numbers all the Year. Sometimes they come over to us, and in the Weftern Parts
o f England, efpecially in Worccjlerjkire, make bad Work, fpoiling a great deal of Fruit
5n our Orchards.
Aldrovandus faith they fing in the Winter, and are filent in the Summer when other
iBirds fing, having a melodious Voice..