/ P/'t/r ffiuii/crrV.'i Y itftfn Jtj . 'T /is .À y // ir i i B&. ^ p e
The Ja y from Bengal Pica Glandana Bengalenfis;
Numb. XVII.
IT is fomething bigger than our Englijh Jay ; the Bill
is of an aih Colour; the Top of the Head blue; the
Neck and Breafh cinereous with a Mixture of light brown
and red; the Wings are blue, as alfo the under Part of
the Belly and Thighs; the Back and Rump are of a muddy
green Colour; the Tail is of a dark blue next the Body,
or a pale or bright blue in the Middle, and dark towards
the End: Its Legs and Feet are of a yellowiih brown; the
Claws black. I am obliged to Mr. Dandridge for the
Draught of this Bird, who received it from his Kinfman
Jofeph Dandridge refiding at Fort St. George in the Bay of
Bengal, who drew it from the natural Bird, with the
Draughts of feveral other fine Birds of that Country,
which I defign to engrave in the next Volume, God
I beg Pardon for being fo particular as to the Names of
the Gentlemen and Reception of this Bird; this I do be-
caufe I would riot have the Gentlemen, that are Encou-
ragers of the Work, think I would endeavour to engrave
any Bird which I thought fictitious.