The Moor Buzzard. Milvus ¿Eruginofus:
Numb. III.
T T is not fo big as the common Buzzard, nor the Crown fo flat and
broad : Its Length from the point of the Bill to the end of the Tail
was 24 Inches; the Diftance between the Wings, when extended, r6
Inches; the Beak about an Inch and a half long, hooked, cover’d at
Bottom with an aih-colour’d Skin or Sear, elfe black; the Noftrils longifh;
the Mouth within fide pardy black, partly bluiih; the Tongue broad, fleihy
and foft, asm other Birds of Prey; the Cleft in the Palate wide and open-
the Eyes of a mean Size; the Ir 'tdh yellow.
The Top of the Head under the Chin, and the covert Feathers on the
upper iide of the Wings joining to the Body, are of a pale-oker or fulvous
Colour, variegated with black Lines; the Colour of the whole Body, as
well lower Side as upper, is of a dark ferrugineous Colour.
The Wings, when clofed, reach almoft to the end of the Tail- the
Number of flag Feathers in each Wing are 24, thefe are darker; theout-
molt is a Hand’s-breadth ihorter than the next to it; the covert Feathers
of the under fide of the Wings are party-colour’d, brown and fulvous
The Tail is made up of 12 Feathers, about 9 Inches long, terminating
in a circular Form when fpread, being party-colour’d, of a dark and
light fulvous, or bay.
The Legs are from the Knee to the end of the middle Claw 6 Inches,
feather d a little below the Knee; they are longer aud flenderer for the
Bignefs of the Bird than others of the Hawk Kind; the Legs and Feet are
yellow; the Talons black; the outer Toe is joined to the Middle by an
intermediate Membrane reaching from the Devarication up almoft half
way; the Talon of the middle Toe is thinn’d on the inner fide into an
Edge : It hath a large Gall, and its blind Guts ihort and fmall; thev
are common on Heaths and Waftes, fitting on fmall Trees and Shrubs,
and build in fenny Places.